Reason #1
In many debates between Christians and Muslims, I have heard Muslims tell us that it was Paul who founded Christianity. This means they credit Paul for single-handedly creating the world’s largest religion for the last 2000 years!
On the other hand, Allah’s religion supposedly starting from the time of Adam, still has not been able to catch up with Paul’s religion even after Allah claimed he sent his 25 prophets and 124,000 messengers all over the world!
No wonder Muslims hate Paul so much! One man vs thousands of Allah’s messengers. For 2000 years Christianity has been and still is the largest religion in the world even though Paul died almost 500 years before Muhammad the prophet of Islam was even born! But to this date, the religion of Allah and Muhammad still lags behind. No wonder Muslims are obsessed with Paul, desperate for Islam to catch up with Paul’s religion.
Muslims protest that the “race” is not over yet. For the last 30 years, Muslims have started breeding rapidly to help Allah’s religion, proudly dubbing Islam as fastest growing religion. While the average Christian family has 2 children, a Muslim man marries 4 wives and each wife bears 4 or 5 kids.
Now we can understand the intense Muslim hatred and obsession with Paul. He has single-handedly shamed Allah and his religion and the failed 124,000 messengers of Allah, even though he has been dead for 2000 years!
Reason #2
Muslims believe Allah gave Isa a book. Although no one can change the words of Allah, Muslims today claim Paul did it. He singlehandedly managed to corrupt, destroy, change Allah’s words. The book Allah revealed to Isa did not even survive 30 years. But the “corrupted” book Paul wrote has survived and preserved for 2000 years to this day! No wonder Muslims despise Paul.
Somehow this mortal by the name of Paul managed to corrupt the entirety of revelations of the infinite creator of the universe. This is exactly what many Muslims believe. Not only was Allah stumped but millions of Muslims were helpless against Paul’s diabolical agenda to destroy the precious books of their Allah.
How dare Paul single-handedly usurp and overthrow the words of their Allah!
To Christians, Paul was just a servant of Christ who preached the message of the gospel until the day he was martyred.
To Muslims, Paul is deified as a Supernatural, Super-Human being that rivals Allah.
History records that Paul died in Rome in 65AD. But Muslims show us that Paul still lives today in the heads of every Muslim.
Read more:
The Muslim That Muslims Hate
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When I tried to reconcile the seemingly sexist edicts (presumed to be) from Paul, I found I was accidentally agreeing with Islam. In my naïvete, some of the anti-Pauline books I read were even by Muslims! Muslims and feminists are definitely unequally yoked. Now, however, I have come to understand the full chauvinism of the Roman laws that Jews and followers of Christ were still supposed to follow to make peace in places such as Corinth and Rome. What’s scarier is that when Paul admonishes women to cover their heads when praying “due to the angels,” I don’t think many women understand that women who try to follow Jesus may run into people with spirits influenced by dark angels trying to fool them with everything from discarding half the Bible for feminism, to joining with darkness, to legalistic clothing edicts. If Muslims are the descendants of Abraham’s slave woman Hagar in the Bible, they are by definition the slaves Jesus said he came to free!
I can use the same logic that you applied here. I can say Satan the Devil shamed your god, god’s son, holy spirit, Paul etc. since he had and still has the most followers in the world than that of the Christianity. Even the people who claim to follow Christianity most of the time listen to the Devil. Isn’t that huge failure of your god?
Atahar Malik,
Failed logic. Do Christians defend Christianity by arguing against satan?
It is Muslims who defend Islam and criticize Christians by vilifying and deriding Paul. So what logic are you talking about?
Please re-read the article.
Well said well said. God be with you
Thank you and God bless
It’s irrational to say that the God can never “change His words”. Think of as if you always keep your word in speech. So naturally, His deeds never change. As before, “kitab” means an abstraction of the oral revelation given by the God to the prophets before writing even was done. St. Paul introduced Jewish Christian concepts to Gentile Geeks, resulting in orthodox Christianity. The “another gospel” he mentions was the true Injil/Evangelion (“gospel [of the kingdom]”) according to the fourfold account. Ebionites, if you may? The New Testament doesn’t reflect everything Jesus taught. Those who were uppermost until judgement day were the Gnostics.
The People of the Book had their books in writing during the time of Muhd. Read koran 2:89, 10:94, 7:157.
The “another gospel” Paul mentioned refers to false gospels that deny the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and salvation by grace through faith.
Like the “injeel” that no one ever saw. This “injeel ” and the “issa” who allegedly received it, were hatched in the mind of Muhd 600 years after
Jesus had risen from the dead and ascended into heaven.
And yes, St. Paul is the founder of gentile Christianity; no doubt about that. Now how will you reconcile the fact that the Ebionites, etc. preserved much of Jesus’ teachings of personal salvation free of Greek influence? Muslims believe St. Paul is a false apostle because he was thought to have deviated from the Jewish Law and superseded much of the original teachings of Jesus. Who has then the preserved Semitic way-of-life/dharma now? Remember: no major messenger between Jesus and Muhammad.
Little is known about the Ebionites. And even what is known of them is disputed.
No major messenger between Jesus and Muhammad?
The last prophet of the old covenenat was John the Baptist. Jesus brought a new covenant.
There is no room for anyone else after Jesus, except his servants preaching the same gospel message of the new covenant.
False prohets like Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Baha’ullah, appeared preaching self-serving “revelations”.
It is futile to try reason with a Muslim as by definition they have accepted the lies and anti-Christian sentiments of Satan.
We know this by the fact all muslims worship the black stone called allah set in the corner of the kabaa in Mecca.
As for Jesus coming to free Hagar’s sons followers because they are the slaves that is more muslim stupidity as Jesus came to gather his lost sheep – the Ten Lost Tribes o Israel who are todays WHITE ANGLOS-SAXON PROTESTANTS.
Don’t try to reason with Muslims as they are all possessed by Christ-hating demons.
astaghfurallah no muslim will ever consider paul a rival to the one god astaghfurallah. a man? fix your misinformation
what do you mean? wasnt it in Quran, Hadith, Muhmmd or Allah dont even condemn Paul but in islamic book said Paul was a follower of Jesus too.I ddnt read somthing bad about Paul in islamic book.
Read Surah Yaseen aya 14(Quran 36:14)
Tafseer by Ibn Khatir, Al Bagawi, AlQurtubi..mention Paul/Paulus/Bulus was a follower of Jesus/Isa
what do you mean? wasnt it in Quran, Hadith, Muhmmd or Allah dont even condemn Paul but in islamic book said Paul was a follower of Jesus too.I ddnt read somthing bad about Paul in islamic book.
Read Surah Yaseen aya 14(Quran 36:14)
Tafseer by Ibn Khatir, Al Bagawi, AlQurtubi..mention Paul/Paulus/Bulus was a follower of Jesus/Isa