This week marks the holy week of Ramadan. Today is the 27th of Ramadan which is the holiest night for Muslims.
It is known as the Night Of Destiny, or Laylat al-Qadr (in Arabic: لیلة القدر) as many Muslims pray to God for mercy, forgiveness, blessings and salvation.
Last week, a Muslim asked me “how to be saved?”.
There may be others asking the same questions like “how to have forgiveness of sins.” etc.
I am going to write out a prayer for you below.
You can pray sincerely from your heart to God and He will hear you.
This is between you and God alone. No one else. This is not about religion. Not about Christianity or Islam. This is about you entering into the Kingdom of God. I’m not talking about conversion. I’m talking about transformation – from death to life.
If you think what I’m saying is rubbish and you dont believe it, that’s OK. I have written another prayer that you can use, at the end of this post.
I’m sharing with you what I believe right now, so that on this Night Of Destiny, you can fully trust in God to give you a wonderful eternal destiny.
None of us can can reach God by ourselves. God is completely holy. We are utter sinners. Jesus was the only one without sin. No one can come to God, unless we come through Jesus. He is the way. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
If you want to enter into the Kingdom of God, Jesus is the door.
If you believe that Jesus came to save you from your sins and to give you eternal life in heaven as your final destiny….Pray this prayer with sincerity in your heart to God….
“My God, who created the whole universe, You created me. I come before you sincerely on this
Night of Destiny and open my heart to You. None of my thoughts, words and deeds are hidden from You.
I’m praying to You, O God, that You will forgive all my sins now. Cleanse my heart and give me Your
righteousness so that I can have a clean heart and I can be accepted before You. Let Your presence be
in my heart so that I can know You and follow You. I receive Your peace, love and joy. Thank you for
a new life that You have given me, an eternal life as You have promised. I receive Your salvation
through Jesus, the Way, The Truth and the Life.”
If you have prayed this prayer, it is between you and God. You don’t have to tell anyone publicly if you don’t want to. But I encourage you to share privately with someone you trust. If you want, you can send me or someone else a private message, and we can guide you further to know even more and to answer your questions.
How to pray this prayer? Just go to some place where you can be alone. It can be in your bedroom, so you can talk to God alone in prayer. You can kneel or prostrate. God is able to hear and answer your prayer today.
Perhaps some of you are already laughing or mocking. It’s your choice to reject the message of salvation on this Night Of Destiny.
If you are one of those, then here is another prayer for you to pray to God:
“O God of Abraham. You are the God of all truth. I choose to believe in Your truth alone.
I think that all the things that I have read here are lies, so I reject them, because I don’t want
to believe any lies. But, God, if anything here is the truth from You, please show it to me clearly
because I do not want to miss any blessings from You. Reveal to me in my dreams. Even when I sleep,
I open my spirit to you so that You can speak to me and teach me Your truth.”
Thank you. I was only looking for a English translation of the Quran. I’ve gotten so much more. Thank you “Sincerely” Doug
or you can pray contrition.
“My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart, in choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you, whom I should love above all things, I firmly intend, with your help to do penance, to sin no more, and avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us, in His name, my God, have mercy, Amen.”