Christianity had existed in Arabia for 400 years before Muhammad was born.
For hundreds of years, Arab Christians had always called Jesus Yasu or Yasuwa. (The name is derived from the original Hebrew, Yeshua, which means “Yahweh is Salvation.”)
When Muhammad lived in the 7th century, he would surely have known and heard about Yasū’ (يَسُوعَ) that the Christians believed in and spoke of.
Sometime after 610 AD, Muhammad introduced a new name in Arabic that no Arab Christian had ever heard of or used for Jesus before.
Isa was a character loosely based on the real Yasuwa of the Bible and other folktales and legends from unreliable gnostic sources circulating at the time and Muhammad called his name Isa.
If Muhammad’s Isa is the same as the Yasuwa of the Arab Christians, why did he invent a NEW name, Isa (عيسى) instead of using the name Yasuwa (يَسُوعَ) that every Arab had known for hundreds of years?
Was it because he was creating a new character that would fit his new religion?
Before Muhammad, no Arab had heard of Isa. True Christians were not swayed by Muhammad’s tales. They rejected him.
In fact, Arab Christians continue using the name Yasuwa today.
Open an Arabic bible. You will find the name Yasuwa. You will never find the name, Isa.
Now we can understand.
When Muslims say, Isa was not crucified, they are right. He was not.
It was Yasuwa who was crucified.
When Muslims say Isa was only a creation, they are right. He was a creation of Muhammad’s imagination.
When Muslims deny Isa’s divinity, again they’re absolutely right.
It was Yasuwa who is divine.
Yasuwa said, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Isa said no such thing. The only thing Isa ever spoke were the words put into his mouth by Muhammad hundreds of years after Yasuwa had ascended to heaven.
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How can i stand for jesus!!?
INRI means Isa,Nazareth,ruler/king of Isreal
Not jesus king of isreal
Isa was a jew but jesus was english how could he be king of isreal!!!? Need clarification please
Michael, you’re kidding, right?
The 26 letters of the English language had not been invented yet.
So the English alphabets “INRI” was not on the cross.
I N R I was just artist’s impression of the Latin: Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum (NOT English Isa Nazareth Ruler of Israel)
(NOTE: Latin uses “I” instead of the English “J”, and “V” instead of “U”)
The Bible tells us the words that were put on the cross was in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. (John 19:19-20)
In Greek it is: Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων (or translated in English; Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews)
By the way, Isa is an Arabic translation. The Arabic language did not exist yet at the time. Isa was never a Jewish name. No one was ever called by an Arabic name Isa in Israel.
Jesus’ actual name is in Hebrew: ישוע.
Can you read that?
For the benefit of us English speakers, it is transliterated as YESHUA.
The name JESUS comes from the Greek version of Yeshua i.e. IESOUS
Admin Satan through religions tampered with bible in many ways. IESOUS is transliteration for Joshua. even if we said its for Yeshua, these are completely two different names. Names of people do not change. So lets say Yeshua was crucified and on the cross, they put Iesous. Those are completely 2 different people.
No, it is not 2 different people.
Why don’t you find out how your name is spelled and pronounced in different languages of the world?
I’ll give you one example:
In Japanese, Wilson is written and spelt as “wiruson”.
Is that your name? Does that mean you have become a different person?
You said ,The Arabic language did not exist yet at the time. Yet we see in acts on the pentecost day the Arabs were there, which language were they using at that time if not Arabic, and Isa is not an Arabic name neither a Hebrew, Cause it came from heaven not on earth.
Maato Enock,
Arab Christians call Jesus Yasuwa (يَسُوعَ). Never as Isa.
Isa was an invention by Muhammad/Jibreel/Allah in the 7th century.
Yasuwa is the Arabic transliteration of the Hebrew name ישוע.
So now invent a clarificarion for Enok which become Idris
I think you’re confused here . How can you say Isa was invented by Muhammad when he never wrote the Qur’an by himself. Isa is a revelation from God Almighty in the Qur’an. You even wrote that Muhammad/Jibreel/ Allah. Do you know the word “Allah “is God Almighty in the Arabic language???
It does not matter if Muhammad never wrote the Quran. Every word in the Quran came from his mouth anyway. His scribes wrote down his recitations.
No one heard anything that was allegedly from “God Almighty”. Muhammad CLAIMED it was God.
Then if u say that isa has its roots in arabs. yet isayah which has 2 words has isa and yah which means God is the savior with yah being the short prefix of God in hebrew and isa meaning save.before islam was isayah and be4 arabs was hebrew.To say that isa has no hebrew roots is to lie.many nations have isa as the name of the savior in their bibles yet these arent arabic or islamic nations
Bwire Joshua,
The Arabic name “Isa” has nothing to with Isaiah or Yeshua/Jesus.
If you ask an Arabic speaking Christian, he will tell you that Yeshua/Jesus is Yasuwa in Arabic. This is the name you will find in all Arabic bibles.
One of Islam’s most famous apologists, Ahmed Deedat taught that the Arabic name Isa derived from the name Esau.
on INRI, Those 4 initials represented a name,theplace,the occupation and country of that prerson.we all aware that proper nouns dont change. These are names of places or individuals.london is london,obama is obama everywhere.to transliterate is to change the alphabets but u retain the sound. How could muhammad fail to grasp the name of the jewish savior andgrasp the name of her mum correctly(isa ibn maryam). i agree with u that jesus is not isa. one has an hebrew root another greek.the problem is typing but if not i would have expounded itfor u
Bwire Joshua,
John 19:20
Many of the Jews read this inscription, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and it was written in Aramaic, in Latin, and in Greek.
In Latin, “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum” meaning JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Thank you for this ! GOD bless you. The Bible makes it clear that there is no other Name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. That everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD shall be saved. As an ex muslim, I believe it is imperative to bring this fact up to muslims because it’s a fact that no one can dispute. The Islamic name عيسى has no correlation to the original Hebrew, Aramaic or TRUE Arabic Name of YESHUA. YESHUA is spelled with the same four letters (and their equivalents) in Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic. YESHUA is supposed to end with an ain ع ע but in “isa” it BEGINS with an ain. It’s so far off. Irrefutable evidence that the quran is wrong and not the Word of GOD. How does a “prophet” get the Name of YESHUA so blatantly wrong ? Simple. he was never a prophet of YHWH, the True Living GOD. “Allah” does not even mean “GOD almighty” as someone suggested. It simply means “the god” and can refer to anything or anyone you consider your god. Including a false god. It’s not a Name for GOD. It is a title. That’s why we know our GOD by NAME ! Not only is YESHUA never found in the quran, neither is YHWH, which is recorded nearly 7,000 times in the Tanakh. Praise YESHUA for His Truth and His Word. He has exalted above all things His NAME and His Word ! HalleluYAH ! God bless, thank you for this ! May the LORD continue to use you for His Name’s sake ישוע يسوع 💗
Hello Ishraq,
Thank you for your excellent comment.
What you said is absolutely true.
I would love to read your testimony of how you came to Christ.
God bless you and your family, my brother in Christ.