The Quran says that Muhammad is the “Seal of the Prophets.” (33:40)
By this, Muslims take it to mean that, he is the last of the prophets.
So I was very interested to learn more from the Hadith and other Islamic sources to find out what the SEAL really meant. I finally discovered what it was and I still can’t stop laughing!
Sahih Al-Bukhari explains it:
He (Muhammad) then performed ablution and I drank of the remaining water of his ablution and then stood behind his back and saw “Khatam An-Nubuwwa” (The Seal of Prophethood) between his shoulders like a button of a tent. (Vol 7, Bk 70:574)
I stood behind him (Muhammad) and saw the seal of Prophethood between his shoulders, and it was like the “Zir-al-Hijla” (means the button of a small tent, but some say ‘egg of a partridge.’ etc.) (Vol 1, 4:189)
The seal was actually something that could be seen, something physical, shaped like a button or an egg, on Muhammad’s back!
This is confirmed in Sahih Muslim:
Jabir b. Samura reported: I saw the seal on his back as if it were a pigeon’s egg. (Book 030, 5790)
I then went after him and saw the Seal of Prophethood between his shoulders on the left side of his shoulder having spots on it like moles. (Book 030, 5793)
So now we learn that the seal was actually a mole with spots on his back!
Narrated Qurrah ibn Iyas al-Muzani:
I came to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) with a company of Muzaynah and we swore allegiance to him. The buttons of his shirt were open. I swore allegiance to him and I put my hand inside the collar of his shirt and felt the seal… (Book 32, 4071, Sunan Abu Dawud)
It was something that could be felt to the touch! Probably a benign or malignant raised mole!
Question: What is the SEAL OF THE PROPHET spoken of in Sura 33:40?
Answer: An egg-shaped mole with spots, on Muhammad’s back, between his shoulders. The SEAL of the prophet has nothing to do with being the last prophet. It was simply physical evidence on his body that he was a prophet. Obviously, Muhammad used this ugly mole on his back as evidence of prophethood.
For Further Reading:
In the History of al-Tabari:
… When Bahira saw this, he descended from his cell and sent the caravan a message inviting them all… Finally he looked at Muhammad’s back, and saw the seal of prophethood between his shoulders… He replied, … “I also recognize him by the seal of prophethood which is below the cartilage of his shoulders and which is like an apple.” … (The History of al-Tabari: Muhammad at Mecca, translated and annotated by W. Montgomery Watt and M. V. McDonald [State University of New York Press (SUNY), Albany 1988], Volume VI, pp. 45, 46)
Al-Harith – Muhammad b. Sa‘d – Muhammad b. ‘Umar – ‘Ali b. ‘Isa al-Hakami – his father – ‘Amir b. Rabi‘ah: I heard Zayd b. ‘Amr b. Nufayl saying … “He is a man who is neither short nor tall, whose hair is neither abundant nor sparse, whose eyes are always red, and who has the seal of prophethood between his shoulders. His name is Ahmad…” (p. 64)
Ahmad b. Sinan al-Qattan al-Wasiti – Abu Mu‘awiyah – A‘mash – Abu Zibyan – Ibn ‘Abbas: A man of the Banu ‘Amir came to the Prophet and said, “Show me the seal which is between your shoulders, and if you lie under any enchantment I will cure you, for I am the best enchanter of the Arabs.” “Do you wish me to show you a sign?” asked the Prophet. “Yes,” said the man, “summon that cluster of dates.” So the Prophet looked at a cluster of dates hanging from a date palm and summoned it, and began to snap his finger until it stood before him. Then the man said, “Tell it to go back,” and it went back. The Amiri said, “O Banu Amir, I have never seen a greater magician than I have seen today.” (Pp. 66-67)
“Then one said to the other, ‘Open his breast.’ He opened my heart, and took out from it the pollution of Satan and the clot of blood, and threw them away. Then one said to the other, ‘Wash his breast as you would a receptacle– or, wash his heart as you would a covering.’ Then he summoned the sakinah, which looked like the face of a white cat, and it was placed in my heart. Then one of them said to the other, ‘Sew up his breast.’ So they sewed up my breast and placed the seal between my shoulders…” (p. 75)
Thanks to Sam Shamoun.
“For on him (Jesus Christ), God the Father has set His seal.” John 6:27
And this seal was not a mole!
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The seal of Muhammad, does not mean Muhammad, is the last of the God’s, prophets. It was a mole on Muhammad’s back that people heard Muhammad had. That God’s Messenger, had on his back. People have misconstrued, God’s, word, about Muhammad’s seal. Please pray, and ask, God, to reveal God’s Revelation, to you. We need to understand the truth of God’s Word.
I will say nothing to you and that will be the biggest abuse of the universe that you’ve never heard in your life because there is a name of our Prophet Muhammad PBUH and I would like to say that if you don’t believe on Muhammad you don’t believe Hazrat Essa AS
Do not insult a prophet just because you do not believe in him.. you are a Christian and you beleive in Jesus christ.. that’s fine.. but please do not insult prophet Muhammad SAW.. yes there was a mole on his back which was the physical sign of him being the seal of prophets.. he is actually the last prophet and so he is the seal.. and the sign on his back is also an embodied evidence like a tatoo showing proof of his claim.. do not insult a prophet just because you dont believe in him by saying he had an ugly mole, did u see the mole with your eyes, what proof do u have that it was ugly?? .. the prophet’s mole was the same colour with his body which is white.. thats unusual with the kind of mole we sinners have, dark coloured… don’t insult a prophet lest u incur the wrath of God upon urself and thus find no helper.
Thank you for your comment.
I do not believe that Muhammad was a true prophet.
As for insults, Muhammad insulted non-believers as swines, apes, and the worst of creatures and calls for their subjugation and domination.
But you are upset just because I said Muhammad had an ugly mole?
Secondly, the fact that you are mesmerized by a white mole as if it’s something miraculous and divine just proves how easily gullible you are today in the 21st century just as those Arabs in the 7th century when they saw a white mole.
If you look it up, you will learn that moles come in all kinds of colors – black, brown, tan, white, even pink and blue! Imagine someone saying, “I am a prophet because I have a blue mole!” Your doctor will tell you that moles that white or blue may be a sign that it is cancerous. The sign of prophethood is not a mole or some unusual physical feature like if you had 11 fingers!
Idiot. Read the Quran first then you will understand all. Jesus is the prophet, Muhammad is the prophet, and all others prophet are the same messenger of Allah. All prophets worship only one that is Allah who creates us like you me and all others mankind. So read the Quran first
Hello Hasan,
Do you think that you have posted something that people don’t know?
You dont even need to read the koran to know all those things.
I do read your koran. And I know all the idiotic things in there which many Muslims dont.
Do you read and understand your koran or do you just recite some sounds in a language you dont speak?
Besides, what does your comment have to do with the topic of Muhammad’s mole on his back?
I was a Christian before I became a Muslim. If you believe in Jesus and you have read his true Gospel not the Bible you have today you will become a Muslim. Because the Gospel means “Good News” and the good news of Jesus is to proclaim the coming of the Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him). Jesus was the voice in the desert preparing the way for the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the Prophet sent to all mankind, to all nations unlike the prophets before him who were sent only to the children of Israel. Whether you believe it or not, Out of the 2 Billion muslims in the world today, 80 % percent are from the children of Israel (Jacob’s 12 tribes) and only 20 % are from Arabs. Prophet Jesus was a Muslim and his disciples were also Muslim because they all submitted their will to God. Islam means the submission of one’s will to God.I bear witness that there is only one god, Allah and the prophet Muhammad is His servant and messenger. May God guide your heart to the truth.
1. You were a Christian?
A lot of muslims like to make such claims. Please tell me why you think you were a Christian. You were born in a Christian family? You had a Christian name? You went to church on Christmas? You had Bible somewhere in your home? Many people think this makes them Christian but in reality, none of these makes you a Christian. So, tell me why you think you were a Christian.
2. Read his true gospel?
Where is it? Let’s read it.
The gospel does mean “Good News”. And this good news is is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. Where can you find this Good News? In the Bible.
3. Jesus was the voice in the desert preparing the way for Muhammad?
Where did you get such notions from? It’s neither in the Bible nor the Quran.
The voice in desert is John the Baptist preparing the way for the coming of the Lord.
Mark 1:3 ““A voice of one calling in the wilderness,‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him”
This is in fact the coming of God himself! Is Muhammad God?
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, who is God!
Definition of God in the final revelation
Say He is Allah who is one
Allah the eternal refuge
He neither begets not is born
Nor is there to him any equivalent.
You can keep refuting forever. But that will not change the truth. And the only way to seek the truth is to real read and know.
The verses are deep with multiple roots in Arabic and meaning. It’s not simply said but recited beautifully. It is not simply recited but memorized deeply. One surah itself has 284 verses. the prophet (pbuh) himself memorized and recited all of it in his daily prayers. He would perform late night prayers as well.
The verses when I read them to me they’re not from man. They just can’t be.
Anyhow just one simple thing – pls stop calling God a man.
We are all accountable for our sins. On that day when we stand before God, it will be a loss to fall in with the category of people that chose to turn their graves,loved ones, scholars, righteous men or prophets into God.
God is the most merciful the most generous. But associating partners with him is forbidden.
We follow God, his wisdom, his commandments. He created us and he knows us best. And through following him we can be righteous. He has shown us the right way through the life of the prophets.
We love and respect all prophets. Quran mentions all of them. But we follow the prophet of our time. The last one.
Judging Gods commandments based on our human perception will not do us any good. It’s bcos we do not have complete knowledge. It is God who has all knowledge of his creation.
True knowledge will never fail you. It will only bring you closer to the truth.
We can refute forever. The best way to understand the sweetness of faith is to drown yourself in it.
Leave bias. Seek knowledge. And always look for signs.
The biggest sign from all previous scriptures messengers and prophets is that
God is one.
You mention knowledge repeatedly.
I know that God is One. All Christians that believe God is One.
The Bible teaches that God is One.
So where do you get the “knowledge” that Christians do not believe God is One?
You should take your own advise and seek knowledge and truth and learn what we actually believe instead of misrepresenting our beliefs.
In Surah Al-Ahzab 33:40 Allah says “Muḥammad is not the father of any of your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.”
Here Allah says Muhammad IS the seal of the prophets not that he HAS the seal. This is understood by scholars as two different meanings to the “seal”. One being the final and the other being a mark of prophethood. They both are not to the same thing. If you want to learn about Islam at least learn what the scholars (who spent their entire lives learning Islam) think instead of jumping the gun.
Thank you for your comment. Point taken.
It’s still beyond me how anyone would think that a mole or a physical deformity is supposed to convince people that it is a mark of prophethood.
“O look at my huge mole! I’m a prophet!”
“O look, I have 11 fingers! I must be a prophet!”
“O look, I’m cock-eyed! That’s the seal of my prophethood!”
Well, that’s shahada already. Welcome brother.
Your reply shows what a shallow religion you have. Sorry to say.
You mean I have become a Muslim even if I have no intention to do so? What a joke!
Well, Muhammad was a fraud. So what will you say now? That I have become an apostate and left Islam? See what I mean?
All I said was “All Christians believe that God is One. The Bible teaches that God is One.”
And this is the shahadah? No it isn’t.
What shahadah did you recite? Looks like you’re not a Muslim, brother.
I salute you bro from the depth of my heart you told admin his true value 🤣🤣
Jesus is the one true God and we all find this out on judgement day. Jesus wasn’t important to the jews they thought they decide who the messiah is and will be sent and told god we don’t except him. 2000 years later no messiah still. I’m catholic the universal church with one faith God the father God the son and God the holy spirit which is the trinity. Jesus is the redeemer not mohammad buda moses. Jesus died on that cross and took our sins with him. It won’t apply if you don’t believe this you will die in your sins. No one gets to the father except by jesus that’s the fact. If you want salvation no matter what faith you claim you will stand in front of jesus christ then you will know he decides your destiny heaven or hell. In this short life choose jesus over all and believe who he was and stood for you will go to heaven but you must love him also which he is fully worthy of and love your neighbor as you love yourself. That will be the day of glory and celebration your going to heaven just as you planned.
God the son and God the Spirit are very unbiblical statements, But I am advising you to stick to the scripture and promote Every thing in it, Brother. Only then you are never at fault. Where my belief has taken me is to understand that there is only the Father and the son. The Spirit is the Spirit of God aka Jesus. 1st book of Moses there was a mention of Spirit above the waters and beginning of New testament is is said that Every thing has been made through Jesus. So the son and the Spirit are one, but the Third Power in heaven If you would like to look for it then I can only see it as Satan. Otherwise I would hope that your focus is on The Father and his only begotten son.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..” Matthew 28:19
Peace be with us all.rape is wrong murder is wrong one man one woman make a marriage together they become one and children make it a family. Show your children the truth the way and the light and don’t hate when they wonder. The will return. Pray about everything follow your gut instinct .don’t make idols there false hope . God would never send a man do a job only a god can do . Prophecy is testimony of the Christ the seal of approval he will tell what time it going rain god separate water from water and saw it was good . I love my creator and I love you too . Be good to each other we have one breath Adam
If you only knew the truth you wouldnt be insulting the best of creation, the best of mankind with those words. Isa alai whom you call as Jesus was a prophet of Allah and we believe in him more than you ever could fathom. Isa alai never belittled another human being lest insult them. And neither did the Prophet Muhammed pbuh. Its simply uneducated people like you causing hatred among society and divining mankind with such filth. We as Muslims and Christians should learn to live together in harmony. To you be your religion to us be ours. All praise to God alone.
Abdul Malik,
Your comment shows that you don’t know your religion or your prophet or his idol.
You claimed that “We as Muslims and Christians should learn to live together in harmony.” I fully agree 100%.
But that is not what your religion teaches!!!!
Read quran 5:51 and tell me if you’re allowed to be friends with Christians. You can fool the ignorant but you can’t fool those who actually know what Islam commands.
What did Muhammad tell you to do when you meet a Christian on the road? If you didnt know that you are supposed to force him into the ditch, then you are a fake Muslim
and you need websites like this to educate you. (Read sahih Muslim 2167a)
I know it is a shock to you because you have never been taught to ask questions. You have been brainwashed since young.
For example, you believe that Muhammad is the best of creation. Why? Because Muhammad said so! Everything in Islam came from Muhammad’s mouth.
The “best of creation” tried to commit suicide? The “best of creation” robbed caravans? The “best of creation” married the wife of his adopted son?
The “best of creation” insulted a blind man? I could go on and on and tell you things your imams are afraid to tell you.
You claim you believe in Jesus. No you don’t. YOu don’t know anything about Jesus except what came from Muhammad’s mouth.
You believe in a false caricature of Jesus that came from Muhamamd’s imagination.
Do you see how Islam resembles a cult that centres around one man’s words and actions?
no witnesses, no proof, no miracles. But the whole universe revolves around your prophet in Islam. Even allah and the angels pray for him!
You think I am insulting?
Allah addresses non-Muslims as “worst of creatures” (98:6, 8:55), “worst of beasts, deaf and dumb” (8:22), “unclean, filth” (9:28), “dogs” (7:176), “apes” (2:65), “swine” (5:60), “asses” (74:50)
But you dont think that is insulting? Or you never read these verses before?