Because these words do not appear in the Quran. They believe the correct name given to the followers of Christ is “Nasara”, as in the Quran.
‘Nasara’ is the Arabic word for Nazarene.
What Muslims have failed to realize is that the name ‘Nazarene’ was given by Jews to Jewish Christians as an insult.
In fact, in Acts 24:6, there is a reference to the “sect of the Nazarenes”.
So the Bible does indeed mention the name nazarene (nasara) associated with Christians!
Except that, it was the Jews who gave the Jewish Christians this label as a badge of dishonor because they were followers of Jesus of Nazareth. They were already known as Christians!
But what was so insulting about this name, Nazarene?
The word Nazarene comes from the name of the town, Nazareth, where Jesus hailed from.
Nazareth was a primitive, shabby, dirty slum, about 3 to 5 days journey from the glorious city of Jerusalem. The people of Nazareth were looked down upon and despised by the whole nation. They were like the ‘country bumpkins’ of Judea.
Even Nathanael, before He became one of the apostles of Jesus, laughed sarcastically when he learnt that Jesus was from Nazareth: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46)
Why didn’t the author of the Quran know that the word “Nasara (Nazarene)” was derogatory slang used by the Jews as an insult to the Jewish Christians?
How and when was the author of the Quran influenced by those sarcastic Jews to use this word in his book?
Now, let’s look at why the word “Christian” does not appear in the Quran.
The English word “Christ” comes from the Greek word Χριστός (Christos) which means Messiah (Masiach in Hebrew).
It is THIS word, Masiach, that is found in the Quran translated as “al-Masih”, which means Christ!
So, it is false to say that the word Christ/Christian is not found in the Quran. These are English words! Of course you will not find it in the Quran’s Arabic text, just as you would not find it in the original hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible.
(Yet, if you look at your English translated Qurans, your revered translators do use the word Christian! see Sura 2:62 for example.)The Arabic word al-Masihi is the English word Christ!
From the word “Christ” come the words Christian and Christianity.Just as from the Arabic word al-Masih come the words Masihi and al-Masihiya.
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Qur’an tell Christian nasara because it was their first identify after they become out of Islam believing jesus have divinity before then they were Muslim ok even those days Christian didn’t call themselves Christian the name is given by Roman just like ihudi for Jew as they out of Islam they were called before they are bani israel.quran knew what Christian are and Jew are very well .the are able kitab people of book.the first Christian were nazarean what you know about gospel of nazarean why it is not gospel of christian.because you bias don’t know truth.truth is first name Christian have by others it nazarean who considered themselves Jew not Christian they pray facing temple of Jerusalem follow sacrifice sin offerrings.quran tell jesus was Muslim so is his follower after they worship him son of God it is appropriate to call them nazarean than heretic jewis sect.
Jewish Nasars are Jesus relatives, so when the Quran says ” لن ترضي عنك اليهود ولا النصارى”, it means neither the Jewish nor even the Jewish Nasara ( Jesus’ relatives, who aren’t Christians) will please you.
Mohammad in the Quran is actually Jesus because the Syriac language formulates Jesus as Mohammad in Arabic, so when you read the word Jesus ( which is written in Syriac language) in Arabic, it reads Mohammad.
This is 100% false!! The name Christian was used by actually used by those who hated Yeshua (Jesus’s followers), yet the name Natsarim means watchmen and is fulfillment of prophets.
They were the original Hebrew and Gentile converts who followed Yeshua, and so were called NATSARIM. You’ll find that Shaul (Paul) was called a “ringleader” of the sect of the Natsarim at Acts 24:5. The true religion of the Messiah, His real Name, His mission, and what His followers’ sect was called are facts being re-discovered today by thousands of diligent seekers. Born a Yahudi (Jew), He is of a different tribe than Shaul (Paul), who was a Ben-yamite. But, neither of them are Catholic, Baptist, Anabaptist, Amish, or lived as any sort of Christian today.Yeshua is the High Priest of the religion of Abraham, Yitshaq, and Ya’aqob; He obeys the 10 Commandments of the Elohim of Israel, hwhy, and so do those who follow Him. Would He really tell you that the Sabbath was made for man, then change what day is the Sabbath? Is it possible His Name isn’t “Jesus”, and He’s more like a Jewish Rabbi? Scholars know He never heard anyone call Him “Jesus”, it’s just tradition that allows this to continue, and it is the result of several intermediate languages’ corruptions of His true Name.
Why does your translation of Scripture mention the Name “YHWH” in the preface, but substitute the English word “LORD” for it in the text? If the letter “J” is less than 500 years old, why use it in the Name “Jesus”? Isn’t His real Name more like Y’shua, Yeshua, Yahshua, or Yahushua? To call Him “Yeh-soos” or “Yeh-zeus” may not be very good, considering “soos” is Hebrew for “horse”, and of course you know who “zeus” is . . . . this Pagan name was used in many name-endings like Tarsus, Pegasus, Dionysus, Parnassus, etc., to honor Zeus phonetically. The Greek name endings like sus, sous, and seus were employed to give honor to “Zeus”. “Sus” in Latin means “pig”. The Latin Deus and Greek Zeus sounded the same, because D and Z were both joined in a “DZ” sound.
When the “anti-messiah” appears on the scene, don’t you imagine most people will be expecting someone named “Jesus”, with long hair like all the idols and images of him we have seen for years, because they were programmed this way? Our Creator is now sealing His people with His TRUE NAME in their foreheads. You will discover facts about the beast system, and that there is a correlation between Nimrod, Pharaoh, Caesar, Dalai Lama, and the Pope. Is the Pope the “false prophet”? Is Washington D.C. the new “Babylon”? Prove to yourself what name the anti-messiah will come in, so you can identify him when he appears.
Overcome the deception the whole world is in, but remember to stay balanced. YHWH doesn’t wish us to be ignorant, but if we use our knowledge for unloving outcomes and goals, we have failed. We are not to judge people, only Yahushua may do so; judging another’s servant is not a wise thing to do. We are all learning at different rates, growing in wisdom and understanding, but at different places in the race.
You make a lot of strange and fallacious arguments.
1. One that stands out is your attempt to assert that if a word in one language sounds like another word in different language, then it must be the same word and carry the same meaning. Muslims are fond of this argument popularized by charlatans like Deedat and Zakir Naik.
2. You claim that the true religion of Paul and the Messiah is the religion of Natsarim, also the religion of Abraham. (Did I get you right?)
The fact is no prophet ever talked about religion! Did Jesus even mention religion?
You quote Acts 24:5 as if it is proof that Paul was Natsarim. This was what his accusers labelled him. If you had read a few verses down in verse 14, Paul actually denies their accusation that he is a follower of a cult/sect. Rather, he admits that he was a follower of The Way. (It was the followers of The Way (i.e. the disciples) that came to be called “Christians” according to Acts 11. Originally meant as an insult but eventually it became a badge of honor.)
When Paul was making his case before King Agrippa, in Acts 26:28…..Agrippa said to Paul, “In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?” And Paul said, “Whether short or long, I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me this day might become such as I am — except for these chains.”
3. We know that the Messiah’s name is Yeshua in Hebrew. Let me ask you though. How did the writers of the gospel, the apostles of Christ write his name in Greek?
4. You ask, “Why does your translation of Scripture mention….” Again, strange question. My translation? What translation do you use? I dont know what you believe but you sound like you’re part of some cult. Sorry. That’s just the impression you give.
Excellent response @admin
God bless you.
This is how an articulate muslim debates.
Jesus pbuh and his disciples were not Christians, they were known as the Nazarenes from Nazareth.. or Nasara in the Qur’an.
It was a Greco-Roman PAGAN who called the disciples “Christian” first when they were on the mission of preaching and healing at Antioch.
(Acts 11:26)
Christians, you cannot deny this fact from your own Bible..
The fact that Christianity rites and rituals and practices are from the PAGAN worship of triune GOD from the Trinitarian Mithraism..
Raja Chandu,
False, right from your very first line.
1. Who has ever claimed Jesus was a Christian? A Christian means ‘follower of Christ’. The disciples were the followers of Christ, hence the name, Christian.
The disciples were never called Nazarene. Jesus grew up in Nazareth, so Nazarene was a title applied to Jesus. The disciples were not from Nazareth.
2. However, the term Nazarene was also the name of Jewish Christian sect, mentioned in Acts 24. They were a small heretical cult that spread to Syria in the time of Muhammad and that is where Muhammad likely heard the word “Nasara” and thought they were Christians! He was wrong!
“What shall I say of the Ebionites who pretend to be Christians? To-day there still exists among the Jews in all the synagogues of the East a heresy which is called that of the Minæans, and which is still condemned by the Pharisees; [its followers] are ordinarily called ‘Nasarenes‘;……..But while they pretend to be both Jews and Christians, they are neither.”
– Jewish Encyclopedia, Jerome’s Account”
3. Allah failed to to distinguish the beliefs of the Christians and the Nazarene cult.
4. There is no trinity in Mithraism. Mithraic manuscripts that ascribe Christian-like beliefs/practices to Mithraism are dated long after the rapid spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. Any alleged e parallel tenets of Mithraism were sourced from Christianity and not vice versa.
5. There are no pagan rituals in Christianity like the idolatrous tawaf or kissing the black stone, which Muhammad absorbed into Islam.
Back then the followers of Rabbis were known by the name of the town their Rabbi was from, thus if the Rabbi was from Nazareth, his followers would of course be called Nazarenes. It wasn’t an insult at all. It was the custom of the time. On the other hand, although the followers of Yeshua called themselves followers of The Way, there was a group that later on applied a misnomer to them as a put down, cristianus, Christians. The cristianus back them were the pagan followers of deities like Serapis Crestus, Mithra, etc. The label cristianus, Christians, was adopted when the Roman empire created their political religious organization to help them achieve control.
1. You said the followers of Rabbis were known by the name of the town the rabbi was from. Do you have evidence for your claim?
2. The disciples of Jesus were never known as Nazarenes. Where’s your evidence that they were called Nazarenes?
3. The Nazarenes was the name of a non-Christian sect. See Acts 24:6. Paul was accused of being a Nazarene; he denied it.
4. You claimed that “cristianus” were pagan followers of idols. Evidence?
“What shall I say of the Ebionites who pretend to be Christians? To-day there still exists among the Jews in all the synagogues of the East a heresy which is called that of the Minæans, and which is still condemned by the Pharisees; [its followers] are ordinarily called ‘Nasarenes‘;……..But while they pretend to be both Jews and Christians, they are neither.”
– Jewish Encyclopedia, Jerome’s Account”
In a site for Islamic information (https://www.al-islam.org/jesus-through-shiite-narrations-mahdi-muntazir-qaim/disciples-jesus), there’s a statement about why they were actually called Nasara.
“Then it was asked, ‘Why the Christians (Nasara) were called Nasara?’ He said, ‘Because they were from a village named Nasirah among the towns of Syria. Mary and Jesus settled in it after they returned from Egypt.’” (Bihar, 14, 273, 2)
“Nasara” was a derogatory slang used by the Jews against the Christians.
Even Nathanael, before He became one of the apostles of Jesus, laughed sarcastically when he learnt that Jesus was from Nazareth:
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46)