Have you ever wondered about Muhammad’s life before 610 AD when he first encountered the being in the cave?
For the first 40 years of Muhammad’s life, he never heard of Islam or the word Muslim. He never heard of Quran. Never recited the shaadah or prostrated in prayer 5 times a day. For 40 years of his life, he did not live as a Muslim or a prophet of Allah or even as an adherent of Allah’s religion.
He sort of loitered around in caves.
The only Allah he knew was one of 360 idols that had sat quietly in the kaabah for generations. His family looked after the kaabah. They probably had a schedule for cleaning and polishing the Allah statue together with Allah’s 3 daughters ~ al-Lat, al-Manat & Uzzah as well as making sure all the rest of statues of the 360 pagan idols were in order for the tribes to worship and and pray to.
The only prophets he had heard about were told to him by the Jews and Christians he came in contact with in his trade. None of those prophets had ever spoken of 360 idols but Muhammad and his father, Abdullah (meaning: servant of Allah) and his entire tribe worshipped and served those pagan idols.
Forty years of his life, Muhammad was a pagan. Muslims like to deny this but there is no portrayal or evidence of him rejecting the pagan practices of the jahiliyah in those 40 years until the day he declared he was the first Muslim and a religion was invented with it’s recitations and rituals and practices and instructions and pillars.
Muslims cannot accept this and deny that Muhammad was a pagan. However, even the Quran does not agree with their sentiments. Allah himself admits that Muhammad was ignorant until revelation came to him.
And thus We have revealed to you an inspiration of Our command. You DID NOT KNOW what is the Book or [what is] faith, but We have made it a light by which We guide whom We will of Our servants. And indeed, [O Muhammad], you guide to a straight path – (Sura 42:52)
For 40 years, he never performed salat. Rather, he performed meditations in dark caves inhabited by demons.
What was he meditating on since he had never heard of Islam or Quran? Was it acceptable to Allah?
Getting enlightened. I need to understand more about this Mohammed guy.
This article is misleading. The author has produced no evidence rather used his own intellect that probably this would have happen or that would have happen. Muhammad was the direct descendant of Prophet Ishmael (Son of Abraham) and there is no evidence that he was indulged in pagan practices. He used to ponder upon the creation of universe and the creator. The second last line just shows that the writer has some hatred (may be more) towards Islam and prophet Muhammad
Have you read sura 42:52? It says Muhammad was ignorant of revelation, religion and faith. Tafsir Ibn Abbas says he was ignorant of monotheism (Allah’s oneness).
In other words, he was a pagan polytheist like the rest of his tribe.
The sahih hadiths tell us that they used to worship stones and perform tawaf. See Sahih Bukhari 4376, 4377.
See what Muhammad said:
Jabir b. Samura reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
I recognise the stone in Mecca which used to pay me salutations before my advent as a Prophet and I recognise that even now. Sahih Muslim 2277.
This is why you Muslims kiss the black stone to this day. It’s the remnants of Muhammad’s idolatrous practices.
I can give you lots more references including how they used to encircle the kaabah naked…how Anas bin Malik, a companion of Muhammad said he hated to perform the ritual at Safa & Marwa because it was “of the ceremonies of the days of pre-islamic jahiliyah.” And yet, you still do it today in Islam!
You claimed Mhamamd is the direct descendant of Ishmael. Where is the evidence for this from your Quran?