Christian: Why did Allah send the Quran?
Muslim: Allah SWT sent new revelation because the earlier books were corrupted and changed.
Christian: Then why did Allah say in the Qquran that the Christians should judge by their books (Sura 5:47) if it was no longer dependable at the time of the Quran. Also Torah, Zabur & Injeel are mentioned over 40 times in the Quran. But not a single time out of these 40 times does the Quran say that Torah, Zabur and Injeel are corrupted. If they were corrupted, dont you think Allah would have made it very clear every time he mentioned those books by name?
Muslim: The earlier books, Torah, Zabur, Injeel were not yet corrupted when the Quran was sent. Only later on they were changed by you people.
Christian: Wait. You just said that the Quran was sent because of corruption of earlier scriptures. Now you say they were not yet corrupted? So if they were not yet corrupted, then why did Allah send the Quran?
Muslim: Well, Allah SWT has all knowledge and knew that the books would be corrupted by evil men, so He sent the Quran in advance. He knows best
Christian: Since Allah knew that his own words would be corrupted, did he have the power to protect his words? Why didn’t he thwart the plans of men? And are you saying that the words of the men who ‘corrupted” the bible has been preserved for thousands of years till today but Allah’s own words are gone?
Christian: Hello? Are you still there?
Can Scriptures be corrupted?
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. (Psalms 119:89)
But the word of the LORD remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you. (1 Peter 2:15)
For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:18)
Jesus said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away”. (Matthew 24:35)
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16)
Again, can God’s Word be corrupted? No. Yahweh has kept His Word.
The promises He has given us shows that the Word of God cannot be corrupted by human hands.
Anyone who claims the scriptures are corrupted believes in a weak, powerless god who was unable to keep and preserve His own word to mankind.
This is a god who could not even keep his own promise that his Word would be eternal; this is a god that is weaker than human beings who managed to outsmart him and and cause him to lose his words. Do you believe in a god who has no record of his words from the time of creation up to the 7th century AD?
If you still claim that the scriptures are corrupted, you are saying that god failed to preserve his words but the corrupted words of weak human beings have survived and have been preserved for thousands of years.
God is impersonal, and humans have free will. Now karma fell upon them since corruption of rabbis and bishops of past, and the Unlettered Prophet came to bring humanity the Peace through Submission to the One True God.
If you say is true, God should’ve still spoken to us, which is almost impossible to do without spiritual training.
Now where does it say God intervened when people wrote…
You said, “God is impersonal.”
What you really mean is the god of Islam is impersonal. Your allah cannot be known.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Yahweh, has made Himself known.
The apostle Philip once asked Jesus, ““Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” (John 14:8)
How do you think Jesus responded? Sorry Philip. God is impersonal and unknowable?
He said, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?”
If that is shirk, then Jesus is guilty.
Your argument is so made up that it makes me laugh.
So let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed in it. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are (truly) the rebellious.
-Quran 5:47
Better state what you’ll state clearly with full verse. Where does it say Christians should judge by their book. Do you see how you people twisted your scriptures? Allah says to judge by what Allah has revealed.
Allah revealed in injeel, (Gospel of jesus not Gospel of 4 people) “A”, your corrupted book has “B”. You should judge by A, not what you have in there “B”. Simple as that.
Now do you think moses is the only one who received scriptures? How did prophets before him operate? And how did they teach people? Do you have scriptures of Adam, noah, Abraham and others? No.
Proof new testament is corrupted? 1john 5:7, john 7:53-8:11, Mark 16:9-20 are not in the earliest manuscript. Good luck.
You said, “Allah revealed in injeel, (Gospel of jesus not Gospel of 4 people) “A”, your corrupted book has “B”. You should judge by A, not what you have in there “B”. Simple as that.”
OK. Let’s go with that. Show us “A”. Where is it? Did such a thing called “injeel” containing “A” which your allah allegedly sent to your Isa ever exist? Or was it just Muhammad’s imagination? Give us one shred of evidence to prove it existed.
Oh, it’s lost? How incompetent of your allah and your Isa of failing to preserve it.
If “A” is lost or corrupted, then why would your allah command 5:48? Didn’t he know that no one can judge by a book that he failed to preserve? How can anyone judge by “A”?
Now you have to dig a bigger hole for Allah because you will have to claim this verse is now obsolete! What else in the quran is obsolete?
Now listen to this. Allah revealed 5:48 in 7th century BC. But we have copies of “B” from hundreds of years before Muhammad. They are virtually the same as what we have today.
In the 7th century BC, Allah was telling them to judge by their book! That’s the only book they have! Let that sink in.
“Gospel of Jesus, not Gospel of 4 people.”
This is another point of islamic ignorance. Gospel is not the name of a book. Gospel means GOOD NEWS. What does injil mean in Arabic? Nothing because it originates from the Greek word “euangelion” – good news.
E.g. the Gospel of Matthew simply means “the announcement of the good news by Matthew.”
Please study more in my article here: Where Is The Gospel Of Jesus?
As for your proof that the NT is corrupted based on the verses you provided….
The reason you are aware of these passages is because we have studied it and we are the ones who have documented it. Almost every Bible will have the details in footnotes. We have nothing to hide. This is not proof of corruption. These are variants which are well-known and do not change any of our beliefs.
If you compare with the Quran, you Muslims don’t know of the variants because Uthman burned numerous manuscripts to hide the evidence of not just variants but corruption.
Even then, you don’t have Uthman’s quran. You have Hafs recitation. Those in North Africa have a slightly different text known as Warsh recitation. The sahaba Ibn Masud’s quran had 110 surahs, Ubay bin Ka’b had 116 surahs. All gone up in smoke!
Sahih hadith claims that the quran USED to contain revelation about breastfeeding and stoning and the people used to recite it. Where are these verses today?
Learn more: Is Your Quran The Same As Muhammad’s Quran?