It’s true. There is no letter “J” in the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
So, Muslims argue that Jesus’ name must be a fabrication. Is that plausible?
Transliterating a word from one language to another has to take into account the rules and limitations of both the languages. Sometimes the phonetics in one language cannot be directly rendered in a secondary language.
Yerushalayim in Hebrew is rendered as Jerusalem in English.
Would you then say that because there is no J in Hebrew, so Jerusalem, in English, must be a fabrication. Of course not!
That is just how the name is transliterated from the original language.
How about Yeriho? That’s Jericho in English. Or Nehar haYarden? That’s the River Jordan.
Do you see how Hebrew names with Y are consistently rendered into the English language with a J.
Let’s look at more examples:
Yaakov | Jacob |
Yosef | Joseph |
Yonah | Jonah |
Yohanan | John |
Yirmiyahu | Jeremiah |
Yehudah | Judah |
Do you see the consistent way the names are transliterated?
Jesus’ name in Hebrew is Yeshua. This is rendered into English as Jesus.
So there is no problem with this at all
What about in Arabic?
Notice how the following Hebrew names are transliterated into Arabic in the Quran:
Yaakov | Yakob |
Yosef | Yusuf |
Yonah | Yunus |
Yohanan | Yahya |
YESHUA | Y… ??? |
When it comes to Yeshua, why does the Quran stray? As you can see, names beginning with Y has been consistently and correctly rendered into Arabic EXCEPT for Yeshua? Why?
The Arab Christians say, “Yasuwa”. The Arabic Bible says “Yasuwa”.
Yeshua is Yasuwa in Arabic. (يَسُوعَ)
How and where did the name Isa come? (عيسى)
Is Isa a fabrication?
Muslims had believed that the name Jesus is a fabrication, but I have shown it was simply accurate and consistent rendering into English.
The tables have turned. It is the name, Isa, that is now in question.
Is the name Isa a fabrication? How did the name Yeshua become Isa?
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Asalaamu Alaykum (peace be upon you) Allah The Almighty Lord and God of all mankind Mentioned 25 of His prophets by name in the Quran and of them 2 Allah named before He created them and is Al Massih Esa or Isa ibn (son) Maryam and Yehya ibn Zakariya (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon them. No one has the right to translate there names to Jesus and John, these are names that were created by non other than the Shaytan (Satan, Devil, etc.) to throw mankind off the straight path. And you are helpers of the Shaytan. Al Massih Isa ibn Maryam will not accept the name Jesus nor will Yehya accept the name John neither will Allah The Almighty who named them. May Allah Al Rahman (The most merciful) have mercy on you and guide you to the truth… Islam Is the only true way and the Arabic Quran is the truth.
Dear Yousef
Do you know you have just condemned your religion as being from shaytan and Muhammad as helper of shaytan?
What do I mean?
All the prophets had Hebrew names! Not Arabic names! No one spoke Arabic!
By your logic, Allah changed all their Hebrew names to Arabic!
In fact, you have also condemned your English translated korans as satanic because they also use the names Jesus and John!
Do you think Moses name was Musa? No.
His real name in Hebrew is משה. Can you read that? Here is the pronunciation: MOSHE.
Why did Allah and Muhammad change the Hebrew name משה (MOSHE) to موسى (MUSA)?
Is משה the same as موسى ? Absolutely not.
What you have failed to understand is that languages are not the same. There are over 6000 languages. When you transliterate one name from one language to another language, many things need to be considered ~ letters, vowels, sounds, syntax, etc. Language rules differ from language to language.
Hebrew has 22 alphabets, and some sounds or letters may not even exist in another language, so different language rules apply.
Moshe in Hebrew. Moses in English. Mouses in Greek. Moise in French. Moises in Portuguese. Musa in Arabic, and so on.
Great response!! 👏🏽
Wow that was an amazing exchange!!!!!!!
What you fail to understand is that Islam is the first religion because Adam was the first man and a Muslim Prophet. So you are very limited in your understanding and can only go back to certain times in history referring to Arabic language etc… but you fail to realise that Allah sent Islam as the faith of all of mankind from day one with Adam. All projets after that are Muslim (Monotheism). There is also no J sound in Aramaic. The true followers of Isa (Jesus) are the Muslims of today.m, everyone else is following innovations of Satan.
S Smith,
You wrote: “What you fail to understand is that Islam is the first religion because Adam was the first man and a Muslim Prophet.”
According to whom? Muhammad?
That’s your evidence?
What is your proof that Adam was a Muslim prophet?
What is your proof that Islam is the first religion?
Everything you have comes from the mouth of an immoral man in the 7th century desert of Arabia making up self-serving rules for his religion.
Try again.
Hebrew word Amen “wait for it “English Amen Translated, Amen, French, Amin, Italian Amen, AHmen, German, also, Ame’n, “Ek/is/in’, (Afrikaans)but Amin Amen all originated from Egypt. Amen, Lithuanian, and it goes on. what is up with the names?
Leslie dillinger,
Yes, Amen is a Hebrew word. What is your point?
Amen is not translated. It is TRANSLITERATED.
What’s the difference?
When words flow from one language to the other, they are often translated into a word that fits that language.
Most words in English don’t match up with words/letters in other languages, which is why translation is necessary between languages.
A transliteration is when the word is pronounced roughly the same way it was in the original language, and just given letters
that makes sense in the new language. A few subtle differences notwithstanding, the word amen is one of the few words
that is pronounced almost exactly the same way in every language in the world.
Are you Muslim?
Can you tell me why Muslims argue about the usage of the word “Amen”?
Some scholars say you should not say it, some say you should; others say you must say it quietly, while there are those who insist it must be said loudly.
Honestly im arguing with a person who thinks that Jesus was fake but Yeshua was real,..what do u think guys..i think Yeshua is Jesus
You are right. Yeshua is His name in Hebrew.
When transliterated into Greek, it is Iesous, which is the name used in the New Testament text.
This, in turn, is transliterated into English as Jesus.
No.. Yeshua does not translate into Jesus. At all. The correct transliteration of Yeshua is Joshua.
The name “Jesus” comes from the Greek ιησούς Iesous.
Jehovahs Witnesses KNOW God’s name is not pronounced with a J
And yet they call themselves “Jehovah’s” witness?
So with all that in mind. How can I persuade a Jehovah’s Witness that the name Jehovah is a corrupt, erroneous transliteration of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton?
The whole issue over this subject for me IS NOT who is right or wrong. Its FACTS & AUTHENTICITY
If YESHUA’s name IS NOT JESUS, transliteration or not
If I go to Israel my name is still Chantz, not Chance, not Chase, not Henry. When i die my name will not change over time.
HUGE ISSUE for me is most background figures of the Bible with unthinkable hard names were not “transliterated” or totally CHANGED but ALL major players were… I smell something fowl (always have) in this stupidity
CALL HIM BY HIS NAME and quit playing games
There is no J in Hebrew or Aramaic (FACT)
JESUS is a very young name
Was he EVER called JESUS while he was alive?
No, the J didn’t exist
So when someone calls you Ceicil and your name is Jake…
Does that person KNOW YOU?
Dear Chantz,
I asked a Chinese friend how to write and pronounce the name “Edwin” in Mandarin. He told me it is spelled and written as “Ye Wen.”
It is impossible to write and say “Edwin” in Mandarin.
So, my friend, you cannot demand what you want. Different languages have different rules, different alphabets, different phonetics.
Your name is Chantz. But do you know how it is spelled and pronounced in Russian, or Hindi or Korean?
Let me give you an example in Korean:
The best way to write “Chantz” using the Hangul script is “찬츠” and it is pronounced as “Chan-chu,” with “찬” (Chan) and “츠” (chu).
“What are you going to say now, Mr Chan-chu?”
No one is calling Jake as Cecil. Dont be ignorant.
There’s a whole wide world out there. There are 6500 languages in the world. Not every language works the way you want it to.
Wake up.
You seem to be unwilling to accept that Jesus should have NEVER been his name even with the translation. Look at the book series “Harry Potter”; in each translation his name remained Harry Potter. Not only that, if the Greek alphabet has the same vowels as the English one, why not keep the Greek version of Jesus’ name? Your name would not change just because you’re using it in the context of a different language. How many people have you encountered in America (I presume) whose name was non-English, that you DEMANDED to change to the English version of it? You haven’t nor would you. Also, for your argument to stick, you may want to do further research on how the name Jesus came to be. Other Christians and Bible scholars are arguing that it was a typo when the Bible was translates. They claim that’s how his name became to be Jesus because of a printing typo that changed his name to the letter J. That’s a far different story from saying it was intentionally changed during the transliteration process in order to follow the rules of the languages. You state that you spoke to a Chinese individual, but I have heard Hispanics who speak both Spanish and English state that their name does not change just because the language has. For instance, if you met someone whose name was Jesús in Spanish, would you demand to call them by the name Joshua because they’re in an English-speaking country? No you would not. They would probably be highly offended. I know I would. Put yourself in that same situation. You would want to maintain the integrity of your name as much as humanly possible.
Dear Lynn,
Do you believe that the gospels were written by the apostles under inspiration of the Holy Spirit?
His name in Hebrew is משה (Yeshua). Yet ALL the writers of the New Testament – Matthew, John, Peter, the disciples of Jesus; James and Jude, the brothers of Jesus; Paul, Mark, Luke…
everyone one of them wrote his name as ιησούς (Iesous).
If the Holy Spirit inspired them to write ιησούς (Iesous), and not משה (Yeshua). I don’t have a problem with that. Do you?
Yes. There are eat least two problems with that. However, the first thing we must do is ask ourselves a question. If ALL the apostles called the Messiah Yeshua or Yahshua, why did the Holy Spirit “inspire” them to start using the Greek translation of His name?! The answer is simple. If you want the Bible to go out into the world, which was controlled by the Romans, you USE THEIR language. It is THAT very FACT, that you NEVER see the name YHWH in the NT. It would have been required to be translated to the Greek which would have been UNACCEPTABLE! It is why EVERY use of Yahweh’s name is either Lord or God in the NT. The Jews knew who God was. Now, back to the 2 reasons why we should only use the Hebrew name for God and His Son.
1. The Lord told Paul in Acts 26:15… I am Yahshua. Not Jesus. Not Iesous. How do we know? In Acts 26:14, Paul tells us that he heard a voice in the Hebrew (Aramaic) language speaking to him. If it was NOT important to Paul or the Messiah, guess what Paul would NOT have been INSPIRED to write by the Holy Spirit.
2. If you actually want to honor God, then don’t you think you should honor the words of the Messiah when He said… our Father who art in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME! So,the Father’s name is SUPPOSED to be sacred, but it isn’t treated in such a way. People call the Father, Jehovah or Jesus, or whatever they want. The problem is… that requires them to ignore the FACT that in Exodus 3:15 that His name was given to Moses as YHWH (Yahweh) and that was to be His ONLY name FOREVER and ALL generations. Very clearly. He never said Jesus or feel free to translate it. It’s just like in Spanish, Chinese, or other languages how they are capable of saying Coca-Cola even though it is an English word.
To use anything other than Yahweh and Yahshua or Yehsua is disrespectful of what they have told us in the Bible. They are not difficult names to speak. Just be thoughtful of Their true names if you truly claim you love Them. After all, Messiah spoke clearly in John 17, that He was teaching people the Father’s name, but it is NEVER recorded in the NT. So, let me ask you this, what was the name of the Father that Messiah said He was teaching people, and why are we not doing the same in the churches of today if we claim to teach what Messiah taught. It’s disturbing to me… this picking and choosing of what we are going to teach. Read John 14:20-28. He determines our love for Him by whether or not we keep His words. Then we will be judged by His very word according to Him in John 12:44-50. However, instead of truth, it seems most people in the Christian church align themselves with what Yahshua said in John 12:41-43.
Good luck to those who don’t say His words EXACTLY as He does, because according to Him, those words WILL judge us on the last day.
While this thread has certainly sent me on a whirlwind of prayer, I will not find myself opposed to using the Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic or any other version of Yeshua’s name in song like a Jehovah Witness. Nor will I be opposed to others using the name of Jesus in sermon. For reasons listed:
1) There are the most important things that God wants us to do, that we have enough trouble doing:
A) Love him and Walk the walk:
“And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him,
and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,13 to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes
which I command thee this day for thy good?” Deuteronomy 10:12
B) Remember what he’s done:
“Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me,” Isaiah 46:9
He repeated this throughout the Bible. Even the last thing he requested was:
And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying,
“This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19
2) To name things has been a desire of man from the beginning of time. God did not command Adam to do so, but he seemed to enjoy it.
Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed[f] every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see
what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.” Genesis 2:19
From out of the burning bush God’s first words to moses was “Yahweh the God of your Fathers.” Exodus 3. Yahweh remained without name until Moses asked whom he should tell the Hebrews. God’s response was. I AM WHO I AM. He is without name. His response was only to tell them that he exists.
This concept alone for most is a struggle.
2) Throughout the Bible, God clearly expresses that he is what he does and who he represented. His name is equivalent to his actions.
He replied, “Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding. ” Judges 13:18
God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ “This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation. – Gen 3:14
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14
So is Yeshua not our messiah because his name wasn’t Immanuel? Or should we realize that Immanuel meant that God would be with us?
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon[d] his shoulder,
and his name shall be called[e]
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. – Isaiah 9:6
Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10
3) I too, prefer my name to be said accurately in my native language. However, to insist that God’s language is not the language of angels but Hebrew…? Yes, while Yeshua was here he was speaking Hebrew. His name was in Hebrew. Ultimately, are we not worshipping one God though? The father, spirit and son…
Does that God not remain the same, based on his actions? If anything, how are we to be known throughout this life… by our actions or by our name? And the name Jesus means savior. And to me, is that not who he is?
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have the gift
of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I AM nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:1
The thing is, that learning I’ve been referring to Yeshua as his nickname Jesus, changes nothing. I’ve known lots of people who I never knew their government name.
And isn’t that basically what Yeshua is? Yeshua chose me, like Abraham; by merely stating, “Hey. I exist. I am here.” With that, I believed.
Can i ask who wrote the Bible and how many Bibles are there,if the Bible was God’s word how come there are so many different Bibles written by man
Hi Dawood,
Yes, you can ask.
1. The Bible was written by prophets and apostles.
Now your turn. Who wrote the koran?
2. There is not many different Bibles. There is one Bible and it has 66 books and 31, 102 verses.
Catholics add a collection of books known as Apocrypha, but it is not part of the Bible.
Now your turn.
How come there are many different korans? In the 7th century, itself Uthman burned many korans. Where did they come from?
Even your koran today was only standardised in 1924 in Cairo. The Egyptian government threw all other variant korans into the Nile.
Do you know how many verses are there in your koran?
Liar liar. You’ve spoken a lie. The Qur’an was revealed far before that. It seems you have an agenda against islam. I say keep at don’t realise but the truth, to those who search for it will always be revealed. And there’s always those who seek the truth. Lie here and there but remember to correct yourself when you’re either exposed or revealed to the truth. The Qur’an is unchanged in meaning and sentences. Only different methods of teaching its pronunciations and such have been added. Nothing else. So don’t try saying that has been changed because you and I both know. That’s not changing, that’s a wag of teaching it.
I didn’t say the Quran was revealed in 1924. I said your Quran is the Hafs version that was only standardised in 1924. This is a fact.
The quran has been changed. This is also a fact.
Here’s the proof:
His name is YAHOVAH YAHSUA. In Hebrew there are no J’S. HALLELU(YAH), Means PRAISE YAH, short for (YAH)OVAH (YAH)SUAH. NAMES DO NOT CHANGE.
I agree. Names do not change. But names have to be transliterated from one language to another and is not always rendered as in the original.
The writers of the New Testament spelled Yeshua’s name as “Iesous” in Greek. They didnt change his name. That’s how it is rendered in Greek.
Did the name of the city of Yerushalaiyim change to Jerusalem? No.
It is still pronounced Yerushalaiyim in Hebrew, but it is called Jerusalem in most of the English-speaking world.
Are they talking about 2 different cities? No.
But there’s no J in Hebrew. Again, correct. Translisteration from one language to another.
Why is Joshua written as Joshua in the English New Testament, but Jesus not written as Joshua? Their Greek names are identical.
Hi Sarah,
That’s a very good question.
This page may be helpful in answering your question.
His name was and is Yeshua. Why the vanity of English speaking people makes them believe it is ok to change the name of the Son and the city of Yahweh is beyond me. Who believes they have the right to go around changing names, Holy days and commands of Yahweh? – the Roman Catholic Church, and she has no right. What do they call Vladymer Putin?
Hi Ellen,
How did the writers of the New Testament write the name of Yeshua in Greek?
Ἰησοῦς, transliterated as Iesous.
Did they change his name? No. That is how the name Yeshua is rendered in Greek.
Nothing to do with English or the Roman Catholic Church, neither of which existed when the NT was written.
Names tend to change form from one language to another. The English name Matthew becomes Mateo in Spanish,
Mattieu in French, Matthaeus in German, Matvei in Russian, and Mattathias in Greek.
I speak 3 languages. The name Yeshua is pronounced differently in all 3 languages I speak.
Whether it is Yeshua or Iesous or Jesus, or Yesus in Indonesian or Yaso in Cantonese, you’re calling on the same person.
The name means the same thing in whatever language i.e. Yahweh is Salvation.
Except for the name Isa, which means nothing.
Interesting conversation! I enjoyed It!
Thank you, sir. I appreciate your comment.
I appreciate that proper names do not change, but agree that the pronunciation may change due to language. For example, when I was11, my family moved to a small town in Puerto Rico where very little English was spoken, and, when sent to public school there, a teacher said to me ” In Spanish, your name is Ricardo.” I replied no, my name is Richard, and she tried to argue! So I asked if Jose came to Brooklyn would his nemesis be Joe or John, and she said No, his name is still Jose, upon which I said, by the same rule my name is Richard…like Coca-Cola is still Coca-Cola in Spanish…Proper names do not change!!
Dear Richard,
Yes. Proper names do not change. But as you pointed out pronunciation and spelling may differ.
The Spanish equivalent to Richard is Ricardo.
“Jerusalem” is the English equivalent to the original Hebrew “Yerushalaiyim”.
Does it mean the proper name “Yerushalaiyim” has been changed? No.
Are English speakers wrong to call the city Jerusalem instead of Yerushalaiyim? No.
In the original Hebrew their is no J. In Hebrew it is Y. Yahweh and Yahshua are the true names. They are Hebrew not Latin or Greek.
Dear Joella,
Correct. In Hebrew, it is Yahweh and Yeshua.
The New Testament was written in Greek. How did the followers of Yeshua write his name in Greek?
Here it is: ==> Ἰησοῦς
Can you read that? It is pronounced Iesous.
Its pronounce Eesa not Isa, Isa is more common to english speaker Aramaic Iesho, Hebrew Iesho/yeshu, Arabic Eesa christian Arab yeshu
The Messiah is Hebrew with a Hebrew name..His name is YAHshua..He says He comes in His Father’s name..The heavenly Father’s name is YAHweh..YAHshua means YAHWEH is salvation..HalleluYAH! Praise YAHWEH!
Research for yourselves the Hebrew language to see for yourself that in fact YAHWEH reveals His name to those who truly want to seek Him and know Him and humbly pray for Him to reveal HIS TRUTH and you will be blessed
If the j is a relatively new letter, where did the term “Jewish ” come from? I want to worship my Savior in truth and this controversy has me so mind boggled and frustrated. Thanks
Hi Sheri,
The term Jew/Jewish” is in English. The Hebrew word is Yehudi.
There is no confusion. It’s about the language that you speak.
Same thing with the name Jerusalem. The Hebrew name is Yerushalaiyim.
How can the bible have thousands of mistakes and contradictions if it is truly the word of God?
The Bible does not have thousands of mistakes and contradictions.
Stop listening to frauds like Zakir Naik.
Read the Bible honestly for yourself instead of cherry-picking verses.
I have read the bible and have hundreds of mistakes and contradictions highlighted within it so for a fact you are a liar and deceiver.
Did Judas die by hanging or his guts spilled out? Did Jacob beget Joseph or Heli begot Joseph? Jehoiachin was 8 years old when he became king or was he 18 years old when he became king? God had regrets he made Saul king? Jacob wrestled with God and put him in a headlock? Prophet Lot dis incest with his daughters? A woman has to marry her rapist?
Should I continue or thats enough from the fraud Bible you want to peddle as “the word of God”?? Stop lying to yourself.
Do you know what a contradiction is?
It is a statement in which two or more elements or ideas are incompatible and CANNOT be reconciled.
Let me give you one example: Who was the first Muslim?
1. Muhammad was the first Muslim. (39:12, 6:14, 6:163)
2. Adam was the first Muslim.
There can only be one FIRST Muslim. Hence this is a contradiction. Either Muhammad was the first Muslim or Adam was the first Muslim. They both cannot be the first Muslim. Clear?
Now let’s get to the issues you mentioned. First of all, ALL of these have been answered.
You knew how to search out for these “contradictions” online but you pretend that you don’t know how to search for how they have long been refuted.
WHATEVER Biblical “contradiction” you bring has already been resolved. Be honest.
Don’t act as if you are the one who has discovered something no one else knew.
Let’s look at one of your “contradictions.”
How did Judas die?
1. He hanged himself. (Matt 27:3-8)
2. His body fell headlong and his bowels spilled out. (Acts 1:16-19)
Where is the contradiction? Both statements are true.
It is not a contradiction to describe something differently: Judas hanged himself. Judas fell down. No contradiction.
Both are possible since neither negates the possibility of the other.
Notice that Matt. 27:3-8 tells us specifically how Judas died. By hanging.
Acts 1:16-19 merely tells us that he fell headlong and his bowels gushed out.
Acts does not say that this is how he died whereas Matthew does.
He died by hanging. The branch or the rope probably broke due to the weight of the body.
See? Resolved. No contradiction.
(Note: Muslims have to find a problem with the death of Judas because many of you believe that it was Judas who was crucified on the cross of Jesus!)
Like I told you before, READ the Bible for yourself. Don’t swallow what your deceptive teachers feed you. Study for yourself.
Another one:
Did Jacob beget Joseph or Heli begot Joseph?
Joseph’s father was Jacob. Heli was his father-in-law, Mary’s father.
Matthew traced the genealogy of Jesus through his adoptive father. Luke gives the genealogy through his birth mother, Mary.
No contradiction.
I even have an article here on this topic which I wrote years ago. It might be helpful in your education journey.
So, again, no contradictions. I could go on but I’ll do you a favour so you can do your own study.
(Note: Muslims have to find a problem with the Biblical genealogies because Allah told you that Mariam’s father was Imran and her brother was Haron! What a joke! Amram and his children, Aaron, Miriam and Moses lived 1500 years before Mary, the mother of Jesus! Muhammad aka allah got confused between the two Mariams. He thought they were the same person.)
In conclusion:
Are there passages in the Bible that are difficult? Yes.
All alleged contradictions can be resolved by simply carefully reading and understanding the passages and the context.
Fantastic responses here 👏🏿🙌🏿
Well said. The unfortunate reality is, Islam is the religion of Satan. Think about it. The evil one is known as the God if this world 2 Cor 4:4, and he has blinded the minds of unbelievers. So, you have the chosen people of Yahweh God who are the Jews. You have the people who accept the word of Messiah, the Christians. That leaves only one being who wanted to sit in the throne of God. He even created a copycat religion, so he could have his “own people and religion.”
What is the third and final Abrahamic faith? One that showed up 600 years after Christ? Islam.
John 14:30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world IS COMING. He has no claim on me,
John 12:31
Paul, if you’re still engaging in this thread at all, I’d love to hear what you believe to be true and where your faith is placed? From what you have espoused to this point, the depth of your ignorance is astounding. If you believe in Islam, you need to ask yourself why your religion denys the name of YHWH, when there have been multiple “tablets” and “stones” recovered with YHWH’s personal name inscribed on it. Just do a search on “YHWH curse tablet” and you will find one of the oldest unearthed pieces of truth known to the religious world.
Allah “the God” came about because Satan needed to deny the true God, because he understands the power in the name of YHWH. The prophet “pbuh” also needs to deny the fact that there are only 2 choices for the Messiah. He is either a liar or He is Lord of the earth as He claims! It is entirely IMPOSSIBLE for Him to only be a prophet as declared in Islam. Why is this true? 2 reasons. 1.He claimed He is the Son of God, and the Door and Gatekeeper to heaven. If He is lying, then He is not worthy to be called a prophet, because He would be misleading people to the very gates of hell.
2. If the Bible was not “properly” translated as many Muslims claim, then you can NOT believe any of it. Islam doesn’t get to pick and choose what parts of the Tanakh and Bible they get to regard as true and false. It’s either all true, or by default none of it trustworthy, thereby making it all false. E
However, this ALL points to a more nefarious narrative. The Prophet of Islam was deceived by an angel of light (Gabriel), who was none other than Satan (2nd Corinthians11:14). Now, Islam has one thing right. The Bible is clear that the evil one will rule the world for one hour (Rev 17:12). So, I want to caution you and encourage you with all brotherly love. There is a reason why Yahshua Messiah has been appearing to Muslims and Islamists in dreams. He is calling people out of the synagogues (mosques) of Satan (Revelation 3:9), so they can be with Him for eternity. Please do not fall into the snare and trap of lies of Satan. We are (God is) trying to call you out of it before it is too late. Admin. was super considerate of you in their response. If you’d like me to share some passages from the Hadith of Abu Bakr that proves what I am sharing, please let me know. In it the Prophet “pbuh” describes how Allah had 2 slaves. One chose the things of this world, and the other the things of heaven. Abu Bakr assumed the Prophet chose the things of heaven. What is actually being described is Satan and Yahshua. Yahshua chose the things of heaven and Satan, who is Allah, chose the thing of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Additionally, Islam’s 12th Imam is none other than the Christians anti-christ. The reason why the imam shows up shortly before the Messiah according to Islam is because he is the anti-christ who ushers in the end. In Christianity, the anti-christ shows up just BEFORE the return of Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
I love you Paul, but to believe in anything other than the truth of the Messiah, which are the very words of Yahweh (John 14:24), means you have been deceived. I want you in eternity with us and in freedom not bondahe. There is a reason why you are here on this thread. Please spend some true time in the Word Paul, and you will see its truth. I am a witness to that truth. And I’m calling out brothers and sisters from all walks of life.
May your days be blessed in Yahweh God, through the love and grace of Yahshua Messiah, and by the power of the Holy Spirit!
So to add a little to the conversation, the Prophet Daniel provides information when He stated this in Daniel 7:14;
Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.
Plus, in Acts we’re told how the Apostles spoke in tongues to the crowd when the day of Pentecost had come. The scriptures read;
And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language.
This means whatever language we use to call on His name whether Hebrew, English or Syrian, the Messiah is over all of them.
However the key difference is based on His teachings, believing He is the Son of God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that He was sacrificed for the sins and to usher in the New Covenant. The Messiah was much more than a Prophet, He is the SON OF GOD!Remember, there were eyewitness account to His resurrection with I believe over 500 people in total. Please don’t let the name cause you to stumble. Because the Messiah, the Lord God is over every language.
God bless you all…
Excellent and well said, robin.
Mostly well said. The part where Robin claims the Messiah is the God of our fathers, is wholly inaccurate. The God of our ancestors was clear… His name forever and ALL generations is to be and will only be one name, Yahweh. So, we cannot just simply exchange the name of Yahweh for Jehovah, Jesus or Yahshua. It just doesn’t work that way. Unless we desire to bring dishonor to His sacred and hallowed name.
Exodus 3:15
God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.
This is my eternal name,
my name to remember for all generations.
Furthermore, if we look in the Book of Acts, we will see EXACTLY how the followers of the Messiah saw their Lord vs. how they saw the LORD (Yahweh).
Acts 3:13
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified HIS SERVANT Jesus, whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release him.
This is where we sharpen iron. These men would have known WITHOUT hesitation that they were referencing Yahweh here from Ex. 3:15. If they truly believed that Yahshua was the God of our fathers they would have so stated, and wouldnhave said, “He glorified Himself.” However, they did not. Instead, they understood that Yahshua was NOT Yahweh, nor equal to Yahweh. Rather Yahshua was the SERVANT of Yahweh to be given honor and praise. Now… let me ask you the $1M question. In what Bible verse in the OT do we EVER see YHWH God refer to Himself as a servant? Yahshua came in Yahweh’s name and was given Yahweh’s name all for the sake of authority. ALL who breathe only do so because we have been given Yahweh’s name, but we are not God or equal to God just because we have been given His name. Our Messiah is the Son of Yahweh God. The son of Mitch is a different person then Mitch the son. Likewise, that means the Son of God is cannot be interchanged with God the Son. If we put the personal name of Yahweh into His God title it would sound like… the Son of Yahweh vs. Yahweh the Son. It just does not work.
Well, my brother to end all of this Confusion tell me something why in the Bible in every Bible that I have read about our Messiah why does He say whatever you ask in my name, I will do so that the father will be glorified in the son why didn’t they use in the name of Jesus? I’ll tell you why is because our father in heaven controls everything l Truth and lies, so saying that our Messiah knows that his followers know his true name and no one else name if it’s from Russia Poland, Japan, Ireland Germany cannot say that they cannot pronounce his true name YAHUSHUA OR THE NAME OF OUR FATHER YAH Meaning that Russell will always be Russell in any country if they choose to pronounce it if not, then they are changing it to whatever they want it to be and people who accept someone else’s opinion on how your name should be spelled after you already know how it is spelled on your birth certificate then that means that the name Jesus is a made up name because We all know that you cannot get the name, Jesus from the name YAHUSHUA AND OUR MESSIAH‘S NAME IS NOT HARD TO PRONOUNCE. WHY DO YOU THINK EVERYONE AROUND THE WORLD IS SPEAKING ENGLISH BECAUSE THE NAMES ARE NOT HARD TO PRONOUNCE AND SO THE SAME WITH HEBREW REMEMBER HEBREW YES HEBREW LIKE GERMAN IS GERMAN I WOULD NOT CALL SOMEONE WHO HAS A GERMAN NAME, SOMETHING IN ENGLISH TO SUIT ME
Yet the authors of the New Testament were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write Yeshua’s name as Ἰησοῦς (Iesous) in Koine Greek.