The Bible teaches that ALL MEN are sinners. (Romans 3:23) This includes prophets too. ALL.
JESUS alone was sinless.
Most Muslims believe that all the prophets were sinless. Is there a basis for such a belief?
Unfortunately the Quran does not suggest this. On the contrary, the Quran does admit that the prophets sinned.
ADAM sinned.
“And Adam disobeyed his Lord and erred.” Sura 120:121
NUH sinned and asked for forgiveness.
“My Lord, forgive me and my parents.” 71:28
IBRAHIM sinned and prayed,
“And who I aspire that He will forgive me my sin on the Day of Recompense.” 26:82
MUSA sinned and prayed and said,
“My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, so forgive me.” 28:16
DAUD sinned.
“And David became certain that We had tried him, and he asked forgiveness of his Lord and fell down bowing and turned in repentance. 38:24
SULAIMAN sinned.
“He said, “My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom” 38:35
All the prophets sinned. even according to the Quran!
MUHAMMAD was a sinner.
Quran and Hadith is clear about this.
“So be patient, [O Muhammad]. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And ask forgiveness for your sin..” 40:55
“That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin.” 48:2
“So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women. And Allah knows of your movement and your resting place.” 47:19
Even if we were to ignore his actions that we consider evil – having sex with a 9 year old, breaking oaths with his wives, torturing a man for money – Islam’s sources itself admit he was a sinner.
In Sahih Bukhari 6307; Book 80 Hadith 4
Narrated Abu Huraira: “I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “By Allah! I ask for forgiveness from Allah and turn to him in repentance more than seventy times a day.”
Who needs to ask for forgiveness? Who needs to repent? Those who are sinless or those who are sinners? It makes no sense to say that one who is sinless repents and asks for forgiveness!
More than 70 times a day!?!? This works out to once every 20 minutes! WHAT WAS HE ACTUALLY DOING???
Is lying a sin in islam? Is hatred sin? Is plotting murder a sin? Is hiring an asassin a sin? Is deception a sin? Is murder a sin?
Here is one hadith that shows Muhammad guilty of all of the above.“Narrated Jabir : The Prophet said, ‘Who is ready to kill Ka’b bin Ashraf (i.e. a Jew).’ Muhammad bin Maslama replied, ‘Do you like me to kill him?’ The Prophet replied in the affirmative. Muhammad bin Maslama said, ‘Then allow me to say what I like.’ The Prophet replied ‘I do (i.e. allow you).’”
Sahih Bukhari 4:52:271
Narrated ‘Aisha:
The Prophet used to say, “O Allah! I seek refuge with You from laziness and geriatric old age, from ALL KINDS OF SINS and from being in debt; from the affliction of the Fire and from the punishment of the Fire and from the evil of the affliction of wealth; and I seek refuge with You from the affliction of poverty, and I seek refuge with You from the affliction of Al-Mesiah Ad-Dajjal. O Allah! Wash away MY SINS with the water of snow and hail, and cleanse my heart from ALL THE SINS as a white garment is cleansed from the filth, and let there be a long distance between me and MY SINS as You made East and West far from each other.” (Sahih Bukhari Book 75 Vol 8 Number 379)
What about Jesus? The Bible says He knew NO sin.
Quran says: “Jesus… distinguished in this world and the Hereafter..” 3:45 Not a single other prophet was spoken of in this manner.
In the announcement of the birth of Jesus, He is described as pure, righteous, faultless, holy, in the various English translations of Sura 19:19. (See Sahih International, Muhsin, Pickthall, Yusuf Ali)
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, “When ANY human being is born. Satan touches him at both sides of the body with his two fingers, EXCEPT Jesus, the son of Mary, whom Satan tried to touch but FAILED, for he touched the placenta-cover instead.” (Sahih Buhari Book 54 Number 506)
Do you know where your belief that the prophets are sinless came from? Not the Quran. It came from a scholar only in the 12th century AD, by the name of Abdulrazak who began teaching this falsehood 500 years after Muhammad!
So as not to contradict their own Quran, Muslims now say that the prophets didn’t sin but they made MISTAKES. 🙂 And that they were protected from MAJOR SINS but they were susceptible to minor sins as human beings. Moses killed a man! Is this just a little mistake and a minor sin?
The Bible is not afraid to speak the truth about the prophets and even detail their sins. Muslims try to cover up the sins of their prophets. What is there to hide? The fact is all men are sinners and need the grace of Almighty God who is perfect.
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I am having a conversation with a Muslim right now and this was EXACTLY the information I needed! This is the best post of 2022 so far! Thanks for sharing brother and God bless you and give you even more wisdom in Jesus’s name. Amen!
Thank you. God bless you.
How’d it go brother, i know some of them are kind of ignorant but all the more love they need halleujah
No lmao, they know about their religion than u ever will
Cut down ur arrogance.
Fine writing in many ways, but when you accuse prophets of God comitting incest, murder and black magic, then, well be sure you have crooked Jewish scribes involved.
Hi Speen,
Moses committed murder.
This is found in both Quran and the Bible.
All men are sinners, prophets or not. The only one sinless is Jesus Christ.
According to the Bible, Jesus was rehabbed by a prostitute called Mary Magdalene.
Jesus commanded does who don’t believe in him to killed in Luke 19:27.
He even called an Arab woman a dog.
1. You said, “Jesus was rehabbed by a prostitute called Mary Magdalene.”
What is rehabbed?
Jesus healed her and she became one of his followers.
2. Luke 19:27 is part of a parable Jesus told. In it, a nobleman ordered the killing.
Neither Jesus nor his disciples ever killed anyone nor ordered anyone to be killed unlike Muhammad and his followers who slaughtered many.
3. No, Jesus didn’t call an Arab woman a dog. He spoke to a Canaanite woman and used a proverb that talked about not throwing children’s food to dogs.
It was not an insult unlike Allah who insulted unbelievers as dogs (7:176), apes (2:65), asses (74:50) and swine (5:60).
Do you have a problem with allah’s insults?
No, because imagine denying God and worshiping a mere man (a great man, but still a man) instead of the being that created you and him (peace and blessings be upon him).
Jesus is God.
He came to the earth as a man but he wasn’t a mere man. He is God With Us.
The informations were really helpful. Unfortunately it is far from constructive criticism and really one- sided.
Muslims like to say all prophets are without sins because compared to the bible they surely are. Talking about sins everyone directly thinks about murder, adultry, incest … which is commited by gods beloved chosen prophets in the bible as role models.
In Islam role models clearly dont teach this behaviour. The only prophet that commited a bigger sin is Moses. In contrast to bible the big difference is he didnt do it on purpose but it was an accident.
To mock on someone asking forgiveness a lot of times from God the almighty because they are so religious is disrespectful.
Yours sincerely
Dear Selina,
You said, “sin means murder, adultery, incest…”
Actually sin is simply disobedience to God.
Adam didn’t murder or commit adultery or incest. What was his sin?
Muhammad did commit murder, adultery, incest…He was immoral.
He repeatedly asked for forgiveness, not because he was religious but because he had no assurance of forgiveness.
The fact is all humankind are sinners, and this includes all prophets.
Sin is the breaking of God’s laws. Muhammed (Peace and Blessings be upon him) never did that.
Just as all the Prophets and Messengers of God (Peace and Blessings be upon them all) never broke God’s laws.
How can men who are used by God to establish His laws and be His word in this world, break the commandments they are to uphold?
Of course they made mistakes, but to slander them is a horrific crime against not just them, but the Lord who chose and sent them. The Jews slandered and killed their prophets (as they tried to do with Jesus, peace be upon him), and you guys run with it. May God guide you all.
Sin means to “miss the mark” of God’s laws. You can trivialize it by calling it “mistakes”, but it is still sin.
You said all the prophets never borke God’s laws.
Did Adam break God’s law? Moses killed a man. Did Moses break God’s law.
Muhammad never broke God’s laws?
I showed you a hadith in the article where Muhammad plotted murder and ordered an assassin to use deception and lies to kill someone because Muhammad was hurt by his poems. Have you heard the story of Ka’b bin Ashraf?
Here’s another eye-opener for you about your beloved prophet. YOu were never taught this, were you?
It was narrated from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah had a female slave with whom he had intercourse, but ‘Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: “O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you.’ until the end of the Verse. (Sunan an-Nasa’i 3959)
Indeed, well said.
Old testament came from Prophets who lied, fornicate, incested, cheated, killed and they predicted coming of Jesus. Seems God cannot find good men. Would anyone follow a priest who does this and yet claim he has spirit of God? We arrest and punish such men.
Jesus warned abt false prophets coming after him. Which means a true prohet is coming. Otherwise, he would have said there is no more prophet to come. Major signs of a true prophet, he will praise Jesus as Messiah, he will make true prophecies etc. Islam is only faith that makes believing in Jesus as a prophet as core rule.
On this false prophet topic, false.prophet is someone who claims to meet or spoke to God and claim new laws. This fit perfect with St Paul eh. He changed the laws which Jesus himself followed ie circumcision, sabbath. He claimed he met God on his way, no witnesses. Jesus apostoles rejected Paul in Acts. Paul made Jesus God with New Testament. Jesus clearly in many places said he was sent by The Father, The father is the only true God, he is going to your god and his god. Yet, Christians deny Jesus words and read Church intrepreation rather than whats in Bible.
Read Council of Nicea 325 Ad. Meeting at Nicaea in present-day Turkey, the council established the equality of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity and asserted that only the Son became incarnate as Jesus Christ. 300 years later, Jesus made coequal. Who gave this authority to give authority and position to God?
Between, why Bible only has Gospels of John, Mathew, Luke and Mark? Aside the FACT these are unknown writers by admision of Christian scholars. Where is Gospel of Jesus? Peter? Jason? Mary? Any other apostles who lived with him? Strange to take words of people who claim eyewitnesses.
In Islam, prophets make mistakes as every human and not sin. Ur example of Moses. He killed in self defence and without realising his own strength and that too before prophethood.
Seeking forgiveness from Allah with repentance is a virtue. Human beings are not perfect. Forgiveness is a critical aspect of Islam as everybody makes mistakes in life and unintentionally commits sins.
Do you know God in Aramaic is Allaha? Jesus would have said Allaha everytime. Arabic is sister language of Hebrew and aaramaic. Another thing hidden from my Christian brothers and sister.
Dun take my word. Go and read. Learn. Satam tricks when you dun research. Truth will always stay clear of falsehood. I wish everyone guidance to the Truth.
As for the content owner of the false narrations above, go and study. You neither know your faith or mine.
1. All men are sinners from the time of Adam. This includes all prophets.
Even your false immoral prophet lied, fornicated, committed incest, cheated and killed, and you follow him as the perfect role model. So what is your issue?
We do not follow the immoral examples of any man including prophets. They are examples of sin to avoid.
2. Jesus warned about the coming of false prophets. Muhammad was clearly a false prophet who created a self-serving religion.
It is funny you accuse Paul of being a fraud when it was Muhammad who had no witnesses for anything. He had nothing and no one to prove a single thing he claimed.
Did Paul demand for 20% of the booty like Muhammad did? Did Paul give “revelations” that he could marry any woman he desired like Muhammad did?
Did Paul say that the earth belongs to him and his partner Allah? If you need references for all this, let me know.
3. We do believe that Jesus was sent by the Father. He is the eternal Word that came to the earth in the flesh. We do believe that the Father is the only true God
as opposed to impostors like allah who sat in the kaabah with the 359 other mute idols like it until Muhammad decided to make it his god.
Do you believe the Father is the only true God? Then you have rejected allah as God because allah is father to no one.
4. Council of Nicea did not ESTABLISH or invent that Jesus is divine. They ASSERTED the truth that Jesus is divine to counter heresies that had risen.
The Bible already teaches that Jesus is divine. Read John 1:1.
5. Yes, the four gospels are the only true gospel accounts. They were written by the followers of Christ, including eyewitnesses like Matthew and John.
You said “strange to take the words of people who claim eyewitnesses.” You mean like Muhammad?
A matter is established by the word of two or three witnesses. We have four. You have one.
6. Muslims have learnt to hide behind the word “mistake”. Sin is sin. Did Adam sin or did he just make a mistake? Islam has taught you to trivialize sin.
Sin is any act of disobedience to God. Small sin or big sin is still sin.
7. God in Aramaic is allaha. So? You think your allah of the kaabah is the God of the Jews and Christans? Allaha is just a generic word that means god.
It is not the same as your “allah” which comes from two words – al and ilah, meaning “the god”.
Allaha or elohim do not mean “the god”, like the word allah.
Elohim is translated as god. And in fact, it is a plural noun. Not a proper noun like the name of the Meccan idol, Allah.
Trivialise sin? What?
We’re the ones who still uphold the punishments defined by God for our sins. If an individual fornicates (a clear evil) we punish them. If an individual commits adultery and it is proven, we stone them.
What do you mean trivialise sin. You’re the ones that claim the death of a man unbinds you from all sin.
If a Christian man who professes that Jesus died for him was to rape an kill a Hindu child, he would go to heaven and she would go to hell. That is what you ultimately believe in.
There is no justice in Christianity.
Paul, the dog, has defaced the religion of Jesus and the Messengers before him. He has spat on it, and single handedly created billions of idolaters.
May God guide us all.
What do I mean that you Muslims trivialize sin?
Yes, Muslims can commit sin and then you can do some good deeds to make the scales balance in your favour.
Using your example: you can rape and kill a Hindu child, but then you can do a good deed like build a mosque or kiss a black stone and you’re fine to go to paradise and receive your virgins.
The Bible repeatedly says that the sexually immoral will not go to heaven. Even, Paul, whom you call a dog, wrote “flee from sexual immorality.”
Meanwhile, Muhammad whom you venerate as the “perfect role model” was sexually immoral, pedophile, who owned sex slaves, committed adultery, and envisioned a paradise of eternal sex!
If you believe, that a rapist can rape a child and claim to be “Christian” and go to heaven, you and that rapist are grossly mistaken!
You said, “there is no justice in Christianity.” You have no idea what you are talking about.
The Bible teaches that everyone who sins will die and be separated from God into hell.
That is the justice and punishment for every son of Adam. That is how severe and serious sin is.
But this isnt the case in Islam, is it? because Islam has trivialized sin. You have watered it down and called it small sins, and mistakes, and it is not too bad if you commit them. What a farce!
What is the justice in Islam? You push the right buttons on allah and he will sweep your sin under his carpet in jannah and give you your ticket to a lifetime of frolicking with big breasted virgins.
Prophets are our role models and we strive to live our lives the way they did. They are the best of mankind and chosen by God. It is impossible for God to send sinners to spread his message. I respect and follow all of the prophets peace be upon them.
When the Quran mentions prophets asking for forgiveness, it is not because they have sinned, it is because the most devoted people look at their good deeds as insufficient and God deserves much more. They are asking for forgiveness because they will never be able to properly pay God for his blessings.
You have wronged the prophet Mohamed may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Please read about his life before accusing him of sin. Among the blessings he received is that he will be the first to enter heaven and open its door. That is such a great blessing that he spent much time worshiping and asking for forgiveness for he will not able to provide something back of equal value. The sins that you are accusing him of are all LIES.
I recommend that you Stop spreading lies about Islam for the little money that you make is not worth eternal suffering in Hell!
You are clearly not a Muslim. You deny what Allah clearly and repeatedly stated in his book.
“So be patient, [O Muhammad]. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And ask forgiveness for your SIN..” 40:55
“That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your SIN.” 48:2
“So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your SIN and for the believing men and believing women. And Allah knows of your movement and your resting place.” 47:19
And yet you said Muhammad had no sin! It’s right there in your Quran, man!
Only God is perfect and sinless. I know you are taught to revere him but you Muslims have made Muhammad your “god” by claiming that he was sinless.
In reality, he was sinful and immoral.
You should learn more about him.
He was not immoral the most agreed upon opinion is that all the prophets peace and blessings upon them are protected from major sins (adultry, drinking alcohol, interest/loans etc) but not from minor sins. Which is what Allah SWT is talking about in the quran. Quran 40:55 is quotes without context (as per usual by christians) if you look at the context the ‘sin’ committed here was the prophet (pbuh) being slightly impatient and since the prophet was a role model he was required to ask Allah’s forgiveness for showing the weakness and was told to hold his ground like a rock as a man of a high rank like him should.
in both verses the word sin is incorrect and should be ‘shortcomings’ depending on which translation you look at since arabic is such a vast language.
no prophet was sinless and all of them asked for forgiveness even Isa (pbuh), the view that all prophets including Muhammed pbuh are sinless is incorrect. BUT he was not sinful neither immoral these allegations are terrible and are not backed up with any sources from hadith or quran (WITH CONTEXT THIS TIME)
A person who sins is a sinner. Thank you for admitting that Muhammad was a sinner.
Very few Muslims would dare to acknoweldge that Muhamamd was a sinner even though the quran itself is clear that he sinned and needed forgveness for his sins.
You said, “even Isa asked for forgiveness.” Show me where.
Jesus alone was sinless and perfect and had no need for forgiveness. Instead he forgave sins. (see Mark 2:5)
You said the word “sin” is an incorrect translation and should be “shortcomings”. What is sin? Sin simply means “missing the mark.”
You want to call it “shortcomings”, it doesnt change the fact that it is still sin.
You claimed that Muhammad was protected from major sins. I showed you a hadith in the article where Muhammad plotted murder and ordered an assassin
to use deception and lies to kill someone because Muhammad was hurt by his poems. Have you heard the story of Ka’b bin Ashraf?
As for your claim that Allah protected Muhammad from committing adultery, it looks like both Allah and Muhamamd failed.
It was narrated from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah had a female slave with whom he had intercourse, but ‘Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: “O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you.’ until the end of the Verse. (Sunan an-Nasa’i 3959)
Jesus also sinned because he as for forgiveness in lords pray. Forgive us our sins.
Rasheed, you are mistaken.
Jesus disciples came to him and asked him to teach them to pray.
And Jesus told them, “This is how you should pray…”
“Forgive us our sins…” is how we followers of Jesus pray.
That is a model he gave for us. It was not his prayer because he was sinless.