If tomorrow morning, I make a claim that an angel of God had appeared to me in the night and told me to write a new holy book and to call it the final and ultimate scriptures for the whole world, would you accept what I say?
You’d laugh at me. You’d call me delusional. You might even challenge me to show some form of proof or evidence, that an angel had really appeared to me. If I cannot offer any evidence, what would you call me? A lunatic and a liar?
But let’s say, you choose to give me the benefit of the doubt, and decide to examine my new book, just to humor me. Then as you start reading my book, you find that it does not agree with the earlier revealed book, the Quran.
Would you accept my claim that my book is the right one and that your book should be rejected? Of course not. I will need to show proof that what I state in my book can be backed up by solid evidence!
What if I explain to you that the reason my scripture differs from the Quran is that it is the Quran that has been corrupted? Would that be ridiculous? Of course, that does not make sense.
I better be ready to back up every claim in my book that differs from your book. And not make allegations that the Quran is changed, and therefore my book is true.
In other words, you would not judge your Quran based on what my new book says. Rather, you will judge my book based on what your Quran says! If my book contradicts the earlier revelation of the Quran, then my book is wrong. As simple as that.
The Burden Of Proof
The Quran was written in the 7th century AD by the recitations of a man in the desert who claimed an angelic being visited him. I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I’m asking, can anyone verify this visitation? Or is it just the claims of one man? There were no witnesses to what actually happened. And Muhammad did no miracles to prove what he was saying, like the prophets of old like Moses or Elijah.
Yet, he revealed a new book, the Quran, that contradicts the earlier revealed scriptures, the Bible. The Bible was written between 1400 BC & AD 95. By AD 400, hundreds of years before Muhammad, the Bible was already widely distributed throughout the known world at that time in multiple languages. And yet, Muslims claim that it is the Bible that has been corrupted instead of showing proof that what the Quran claims are true. Muhammad himself never claimed that the earlier scriptures were corrupted or lost. In fact, he affirmed and praised them.
You cannot judge the Bible based on what the Quran says. Rather, you have to judge the Quran based on what the Bible says. Since Islam came many centuries after Christianity, Islam has the burden of proof and not Christianity. The Bible tests and judges the Quran. If the Bible and the Quran contradict each other, the Bible must logically be given first place as the older authority. The Quran is the one in error until it proves itself.
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the quran might have been modified
The quran has definitely been modified.
Aisha, the favorite wife of the Prophet, said:
“During the time of the Prophet, the chapter of the Parties used to be two hundred verses when read. When Uthman edited the copies of the Quran, only the current (verses) were recorded” .
Uthman edited the copies to only had haraka to the copies… meaning accent marks, so non-Muslims can read it easier.
That is modifying.
Are you worshipping Muhammad or God? do you worship man or do you worship God? Do you worship angels or do you worship God? God says my word will remain, and the Bible teaches not to go by any other doctrine but that which is in the Bible, but do you believe God or man? The Mormons wrote their own version of Gods word and many others have done so, but yet ignore what the original word of God says, will a man take The Word of God and make it his own, God forbid, because God speaks truth, and Loves truth, but a man will tell a lie to boast to himself of his own accomplishments, if you don’t believe some of the word of God, you do not believe any of it. That is truth.
The quran has been written in a way that enen AI wouldnt be able to write it in that manner. Thats why its no question that its the word of God. And no it hasnt been changed as we know it by heart for centuries..
Mike Lamonte,
There are many books that are unique. Being unique is not evidence that it is from God.
The quran is a poorly written book that is repetitive and incoherent. There’s no context for a lot of things written.
You said “we know it by heart for centuries”. What do you know by heart? Is it Hafs recitation? Or Warsh? What about Muhammad’s recitation?
If it was known by heart for centuries, why did Uthman burn numerous quranic manuscripts?
Also why is your quran only standardized in 1924?
Study more about the development of your quran:
That happened in the presence of prophet muhammed ( please be upon him) , as the quran is revealed to him , he knows what should be in the quran and dont forget gabriel always guided him and he’s a messenger of god so anything happened in his presence cant be taken as a modification
it is still modified, you are wrong
It isn’t a modification if it was basically done by the prophet of Muhammad pbuh himself. Non of the meanings were changed it just added pronunciation marks
The Quran was written before the Bible and the was so much miracles that happened and y’all just copied us.
If you want to come to haven repent to Allah and do some Research about it.And Jesus is a prophet.
Pls and thx
That makes no sense at all. U r backwards. The Bible was written long before the Quran, and you’s r copying us. It makes no sense to say the Quran was written first, when Jesus’name is all over the Quran, but Muhammad’s name is no where to be found in the Bible, except where it says”FALSE PROPHETS WILL COME, DON’T BE DECEIVED”! Can u pls explain to me how Jesus’name is all over the Quran, but Muhammad’s name is no where in the Bible, if the Quran was really written first? Bc what u said makes no sense at all. And the”angel” that appeared to Muhammad was in fact Satan. Satan is an angel, and the Bible says he can”APPEAR AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT”. Therefore it’s nothing but lies, since Satan is the father of lies. And that is the absolute TRUTH !!!
Yessssssssn Jennifer YESS!!!!
Bring it on Jennifer!
According to your statement:-
How can you believe that Allah will protect the Qur’an who cannot protect the Bible?
Jesus decided to give his life, Its not a story of “he couldn’t save himself” stop blowing it out of proportion.
You can’t spell your grammar correct which proves you’re a child debating about Christianity is better. Islam came before Jesus because the Mecca was created before Christianity existed. And you can’t logically prove your statement as correct because you’ve only said “Jesus died for our sins and is the reason that we’re alive”. So unironically, how does that clarify or logically proves your claim by saying Jesus is god? Jesus couldn’t save himself from dying and show humans can kill gods? This doesn’t proves your claim and makes your statement delusional.
Let’s see some evidence for your claims about Mecca. Meanwhile, read this.
http://rrimedia.org/Resources/Articles/the-history-and-archaeology-of-arabia-show-that-mecca-did-not-exist-before-the-advent-of-christianity (By Dr Rafat Amari)
Even if Mecca existed, so what? How does that prove that Islam is true?
Hinduism came before Islam. Does that mean Hinduism is true?
In fact, just like Hindus worshipped idols, The Meccans including Muhammad and his tribe worshipped hundreds of idols.
The kaabah was the centre of idol worship for centuries.
Most of the rituals you perform today at the kaabah were pagan rituals carried on into Islam by Muhammad.
Learn more: https://www.faithbrowser.com/pagan-practices-aadopted-in-islam/
You understand, Jesus was a sacrifice. He paid ransom with his blood. As a matter of fact, if Jesus did not died and resurrect there will be no hope of eternity because our sins enunciates God. 2 Timothy2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
Islam doesn’t have any miracles that’s happening today while Christianity has a lot now already such as the movies which based from true story HEAVEN IS FOR REAL,and videos of people possessed by evils was cured because of the Bible.
Helllooooo!!! Jesus agreed to die as a sacrifice so WE HUMANS could be forgiven for our sins AND have eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Someone had to be the sacrifice or else no humans could ever be saved!!! But Christianity does not tell Christians to hate others that don’t agree with them or follow their God! And when a so-called religion or belief tells their followers to kill those that don’t follow your religion or beliefs, that is not a religion/faith anyone should follow it is not our choice or decision to take someone else’s life!!!
Jesus never said to take an enemy’s life in His name!
Jesus is the Only Way!!!! There IS NO OTHER WAY TO HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONE!!!!!!!!!!
Your information is backwards. Bible came before.
Jesus is the ONLY door into HEAVEN
If enny one can proof to me that the bible or Quran is the ture way of life then I will make my mind up
Jesus was God’s benefactor to human existence. Nothing other than God himself through the form of a human man could give us the chance of eternal life with him. Unhindered by the dutiful need described in the old testament for sacrificial acts atoning for innately sinful nature. Abraham’s Bosom would be our closest glimpse of heaven, if not for the Lord GOD’s death on the cross. Said no better than John 3:16 God gave his son for our Eternal life (Paraphrasing). What Prophet carry’s the weight of humankind’s ability to exist in Heaven with God. NONE! Only God himself.
the quran is a biological child of the bible which might have been modified
Sorry that doesnt make sense. Books are not biological.
As we enter into a new phase of evil by the hands of radical Islamic terrorism and a growing false religion, it is good to have some idea of what that religion is. Thank you for your keen insight.
is the Nation of Islam not Gods promise to Ishmael?
Abraham was blessed so that his descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the earth. God would make of Ishmael a great nation because he was of the seed of Abraham. However, God told Hagar that her son would be a “wild ass (donkey) of a man” (Genesis 16:12), living in conflict with his relatives.
Great question
Thank you , Inzamam. What I took from your statement is; we are all of One God who loves us all equally. Our ancestors left their teachings for future generations to read, learn and grow.
What you mean is quran teaches terrorism? Open your eyes widely my friend, as muslims we believe torah, bible and quran was revealed by god , as you mention if islam really promotes terrorism you have to open up your bible and torah where it has mentioned alott about terrorism. If you take the percentage torah has 52% bible has 4.3% and quran has 2.3% and still the media is into the muslims, that all doesnt mean god wants us to go fight and kill each other . At that particular time they needed that , sorry if my english isnt that great , stop accusing a book even without reading or studying it. To educate you the meaning of islam itself means peace ✌🏼😇. The person who wrote this article have mentioned about a new book which has revealed(quran) so what about bible isnt it new to the torah , if you go ask the jews they would tell jesus is a liar and mother marry wasnt a good women , asthagfirla we believe he was a prophet of god and his mother was a virgin ( please be upon them all) . Dont get trap to the devils plan brother he has challenged the lord that he will misguide all human being. Quran is the last revelation and it has shown how to live in this modern world till the end and anyone who doesnt accept it would be in loss .
Hi there, there were 300 prophecies in the old testament about a coming messiah.
Even when Jesus was alive he said they (the jews) have to kill him so the will can be accomplished. If Jesus didn’t die for our sins it wouldn’t be paid. He literaly came to earth to teach us and die for our sins that’s why the jews didn’t accept him also they wanted to keep religion strict for their own gain because they were making money in the church and Jesus didn’t like that. So the old testament and the new testament are clear and it was finished. Why would muhammed come around 600 AD and have a book written he can benefit from.
Answer this what did Jesus benefit from getting beat and being hung? why did he even want to do this for humans? He had no wives no money or fame no sin no desire of this world but to love.
And tell me how Muhammad benefited from creating Quran.
Woah. Wait did you say?
“they wanted to keep religion strict for their own gain because they were making money in the church and Jesus didn’t like that.”
OH NO! what is he going to do when he finds out how much bank Christianity is making through the church?
That’s a LIE!!!!
My friend you don’t know about his scarifices look at this
You can never measure the sacrifices Jesus made compared to Muhammad. Jesus sacrificed for the sins of all mankind,something Muhammad could not and never can do.
Don’t compare other Gods to one that is theoretically wrong. “Jesus sacrificed for the sins of all mankind” this doesn’t show he is god from sacrificing. Very delusvional sentence. So hypothetically, how does that prove the point that Jesus is god? is that somewhat hypothetical or something? you can’t die and be righteous. it was theoretical to say your religion is fake, and you’ve still didn’t show me how is Jesus a god? “Died for our sins” how do you even die and become god. Please clarify and tell me how is he god and clearly the bible states the point that he dies?
What Caroline stated was that Jesus sacrificed for the sins of man. She’s right.
Make up your mind what you want to ask.
If you are asking if Jesus is God, I have plenty of articles that address that.
For example: https://www.faithbrowser.com/what-did-jesus-say-about-himself-2/
The bible never contradicts the Tora, the gospels actually confirm the Tora that is why the second testament and the gospels are true. Jesus is the messiah that prophet Isaiah in the old testament prophesies about therefore the scripture was fulfilled and Jesus Christ truly is alive and the lord
Sorry but there will never be peace with jihad and the spirit behind it.
Wouldn’t that be the truth for the Bible?
So shouldn’t the same logic apply when comparing the Torah to the bible(New Testament).
Yes, it should.
And the New Testament does not contradict the Old Testament.
Someone put it this way:
“The New Testament is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New revealed.”
Meaning that…
The things described in the OT find their full meaning in the NT.
The Prophecies of God’s Word have come to fulfilment in succession, proving the Holy Bible is the Only True Scriptures that came from the True God; Jesus Christ, and a few more are yet to be fulfilled until it is complete when the LORD Jesus Christ Returns!
Exactly and I started reading the quran ( just for research purposes) and what I noticed is that
It starts just like the bible ( with Adam) but the bible was written before which really makes you think because the bible talks about those who will twist the words of God.
The bible was written way before the quran, old and new , so no wonder
Well, some people get lost when Jesus is being referred to as a God. But they constantly forget that there are many god’s out there which Bible also confirmed (1Corinthians verse 5) and many of us knew this also.
When the word -god- is mentioned what does it mean?.
In the first place the word ‘god’ is never mean a name of anybody the name of the creator of the heaven and earth but ordinary title given to a powerful person or deity that is believed to have power to deliver, provide for needs, protect or save the believer in the time of trouble; and for these reasons considered to be worshipped.
So anybody or thing that is being worshipped is known as a god. We have god’s or Gods that are powerful while some are not truly powerful and each of them individually have their unique names
The question now is: Is Jesus powerful or not? Obviously powerful. That’s why the Bible refers to him as a -Mighty God-
Then, if Jesus is called a Mighty God what is his father called? His father is Almighty God.
I think people should be educated enough to open up their intellectual to understand biblical contexts and if you are confused, ask questions or have a study appointment with someone who can accurately teach you in order to also have an accurate knowledge of it rather than ignorantly condemning the sacred book of God, the Bible.
The contexts of this Scripture (the Bible) are true and sacred except for the lost, confused or misinformed minds through a misleading doctrine.
The confusion started when christians(catholics ) decided to believe jesus himself is god which doesnt make sense, if that was the case he would have mentioned it clearly saying that he created the universe and everything it contains . Coz we as muslims prostrate only to one god , the one who made everything which is into existence and we call him allah and we are in the safe side . Just think you worshipping soneone who created you and the whole universe , what risk have you taken by doing that and the sad truth is jesus came to deliver the truth and some people at that time took himself as a god which doesnt make sense at all( the catholics) and till now they make there own rules and its all decided according to the churches and i heard one of my catholic friends saying that there’s no hell or heaven and all our since are forgiven, brother are you kidding me so we are here to party ? Its so lame ( dont foeget my friend the devil has promised the god he will misguide humanity( and the god which i mentioned now isnt jesus its the one who created jesus). If that was the case musas, abraham, solomon who had authority to every existence since they also had powers and so many prophets , quran mentions 123,000 prophets and so many of them had miracles coz people were not that educated and they needed some kind of a miracle so they can believe in what has been said is tru , and for the last prophet he didnt have to have miracles Since people had some sought of knowledge and jesus knew there will come a last prophet before his arrival and its mentioned in the bible saying that ‘there will come a maythiri and he shall guide you coz you are not able to take everything now’ . Anyone is not risking following the quran coz you aren’t taking a risk at all coz already for christians they believe they going to heaven no matter what they do just think my friend what if it was wrong since jesus never mentioned it saying oh people i am dying for your sins . Actually its sad coz his people didnt take the right message and his death didnt bring up any goodness accept for some christians who believes thrs only one god , he cried and fought asking everyone not to worship idols even in the Ten Commandments it has mentioned not to eorship idols and most of the churches thrs a man hanging on the cross , do u know even he’s the real jesus and where did the cross come from ?, the cross was from the people who tried to kill him’ they selected the cross ‘ n sadly everyone is worshiping that 😪 which means his messaged didnt pass, its not a thing to have ego u shoukd have a open mind to accept things coz we live only once take a wise decision
Quran 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
“And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allaah has revealed therein. And whoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed – then it is those who are the defiantly disobedient.” [Qur’an–5:47]
“That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-[Qur’an 4:157]
Allah commands to judge by the Gospel, and the Gospel Says Jesus Died and was Crucified. The Quran says Jesus did Not Die and was Not Crucified, So therefore the Quran is False. And If it’s said, the Bible is False or has been Corrupted, This Still Makes the Quran False, because Allah commanded to Judge by the Gospel and therein. So either Way, the Quran is False.
It is mentioned in the Bible that Jesus is God-John 1:1, 3, 14, 17, 18 “In the beginning was the Word; the Word was in God’s
presence and the Word was God…. Through him all things came into being, and apart
from him nothing came to be…. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among
us, and we have seen his glory: the glory of an only Son coming from the Father, filled
with enduring love…. For while the law was given through Moses, this enduring love
came thorough Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, ever at
the Father’s side, who has revealed him.” “Jesus answered them: ‘I solemnly declare it:
before Abraham came to be, I AM.”
[This was the name God gave himself when he first communicated
with Moses, Exodus 3:14
“God replied, ‘I am who am.’ Then he added, ‘This is what you
shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.’”] This is why we have the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
We also do take risks, to show or love and faith to our Lord Jesus Christ we become his humble servants. We forgive others and serve them. We do nit have sexual immortality and lust, we live for God and rely on his wisdom and understanding. He is our deliverer and helping hand. We do not have to do anything special. He already loves us so much. Loves us enough to want to change us into better ppl. He has mercy and grace upon us even when we are so underdesserving. Idk how it works in your religion but in mine our God loves us already. We do not have to risk our lives. You say Jesus being God does not make sense, well i dont blame you, the World doesnt care to gain wisdom and understanding. HE is Gods Son and HE is God, something you could never understand
The way you are saying the quaran has many prophets idk why u are acting like the bible doesnt too. Our book came first, Jesus, Solomon and others were in the Bible first before they came in ur book, so if anything we are in the right, if the quaran is right then you are just proving that those prophets we real and therefore in our Bible first, thank you, also we do not believe we will go to heaven inevitably, thats not what the Word says, educate yourself and maybe do some research, everything u have said is false lol, and dont assoiciate christians with catholics for they are very different. Jesus did die for our sins, when he died he said “It is finished” meaning it was over, our sins were forgiven and the battle was done, He gave us eternal life, he sacrified himself out of love, God sent his only son to Earth ut of love. Why do u think Christianity is most hated in the media? If anyone were to insult ur religion online they would be called out and called islamaphobic, however many artsist bash my religion, people are satanists and create blasphemy music and tatoos, they dress us as nuns and use the cross as decoration
Its because we are the truth, they are afraid of the truth, “The Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their days are coming” Judgement day is coming turn to him no. A verse from the Bible- Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.
We are seeing this now more than ever. People dressing up as Satan and being sexually immoral
Committing Blasphemy and sinly passion now more that anytime before. People hate the truth, and the Devil is succeeding in many lives, driving them to sin. Lucifer is the Angel of Music, does it surprise you how many music artists go against the word of God, sell their soul to Satan and promote Blasphemy?
Nicki Minaj calls herself the Alpha and Omega
Lil Uzi Vert literally admitted in his concert that he had sold his soul and those that listen to him were already going to Hell
Beyonce has already made IG posts on all of the horses mentioned in the Bible(research more abt it i cba to explain)
Doja Cat, CArdi B and Megan thee Stallion promote adultry, lust and secual immortality and continue to ridicilue the Bible
Many prophecies have already happened bro if i were you I would rethink your life choices. tell me more abt allah does what does he mention and say, or is it just rulesss and rulesss, the Lord want us to be diciplines but he also has humour too and wants us to live life in Blessings and grace
There is one thing that all religions have in common that there is a supreme power a god that holds everything made everything but when I showed that there is the blood of Jesus and you do not believe and you want to believe in a prophet that has died and is not going to come back you’re destined to hell you must believe in the son of God came to Earth died on the cross for our sins if you do not there is a place that you will go if you do there is a place that you will go there is no proof of anything Muhammad wrote God doesn’t tell people to kill people he wants you to save people he wants you to change people
Brother to educate you about killing on the books the statistics says torah has 53% , bible 4.3, quran 2.4 and why you people think muslims are terrorists its funny 😆 islam means peace ✌🏼 The word love in the wuran is more than in any other books my friend, educate yourself before talking
First of all, Islam means “submission” not “peace”.
As for your alleged statistics about ‘killings’mentioned in Scriptures, here is the difference you need to understand.
The Bible is a narrative. That means, when it mentions incidences of violence or killings, it is not a command or endorsement for us to kill. It is a historical record of wars, violence, etc.
The Torah is a historical record of God’s dealing with Israel. Jesus never commanded us to kill anyone. Not even our enemies.
Secondly, your claim that Quran mentions love more times than any other book is false. Maybe you were deceived by your scholars.
The word ‘LOVE’ appears about 45-79 times in the whole of the Quran mostly in expressions such as ( in love; love of wealth; love of life; love of Allah; love of woman; love of self; love of other believers or love in the abstract; 2:177; 3:31, 103, 119;5:54; 9:23; 19:96; 38:32 etc).
The word LOVE in the Bible appears more than 310 times (KJV translation).
You are exactly correct! Jesus is the Only Peace.
Stated at Isaiah 9:6 Almighty God, Councilor and PRINCE OF PEACE.
Not submissive word.
He loves the enemy, but not kill the enemy.
Thank you
The Quran is the devil’s book and should not be followed. The Angel Gabriel told Mary, that she would bear a SON, WHO would be called the SON of GOD. The SON that Mary bore, had been called the SON of GOD for centuries, long before Muhammed was born. But this same Angel, according to the Quran, returns and contradicts everything he said to Mary centuries before?! There is no question that the Quran is a lie and should not be taken seriously. Secondly, GOD warns us, in the book of Deuteronomy, not to add or remove anything to and from the BIBLE respectively. We should not add our own text to the BIBLE, and that includes the Quran, because the BIBLE is complete, according to GOD. Anything added to the BIBLE is not from GOD. Angel Gabriel appeared to a christian back in 2005 before Christmas, and this same Angel that allegedly appeared to Mohammed was honouring JESUS, as the SON of GOD. Angel Gabriel never said a word about muhammed and the Quran.
U better not call Quran a devil’s book julius, why dont u read it first if u got that guts and then judge it? Its easy to put up blame on quran but can u prove it? That the holy Quran is devil’s book? Well i very well know that u cant, so u better not say what u said ok, or else it wont take a second for me to call your holy book a book of devil
Its very clear you never read the quran and muhammed wasant mentioned in the quran many times coz it was revealed to him and why quran if you ask , its because even after jesus ,people still was worshipping idols like stones crosses and a dead man hanging , he warmed the people (10 commandments) not to worships idols and still this stupid people dont understand so muhammed was to come n he came and showed the right way to worship the god the lord himself alone
If a Hebrew translator were to sit down and read the actual Hebrew Scrolls to you people WORD FOR WORD you would be totally shocked at the difference between it and what the Greek, Latin, and English translations and alterations say it says. The Wool has been pulled over the peoples eyes long ago and as profitable as it has been no one seen fit to straighten it out.
That is not true at all. As expected you have not provided a shred of evidence.
Here is the Hebrew Bible word for word. Read it yourself.
Only Jesus guarantee Heaven to those who believes and accept Him. In John 14:6-7 He clearly said that He is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. In Revelation 17-18 He said that He is the first and the last, (means no other prophet after Him…hence, Muhammad and all other after Him is a fake) and He has the keys of death and of Hades. Lastly, why I choose Jesus because in John 25-26 He said that whoever believes in Him though he/they may die, he shall live and whoever lives and believes in Him shall NEVER DIE. No other prophet before Him or after Him dares to say and guarantee this. So why should I believe in other teaching and others after Jesus? Muhammad is a fake prophet and whoever believes in his teachings will die and suffer in hell forever. Don’t take the risk my fellow Muslim friends. If you read your Quran with clear mind you will realize that it is the corrupted version of the Bible and you will know that Jesus will come on judgement day and if you don’t accept Him now and still believe in your prophet Muhammad you will die and suffer for eternity in hell. Even prophet Muhammad don’t know what will happen to him if he dies (Bukhari, vol. 9, book 87, no 145) If Muhammad doubt his chance of going to heaven what more those who believes in him. That is why he asked his followers to pray for him so that God will grant him entrance to heaven. (According to Ibn Mas’ud). Means Muhammad also don’t know whether he is going to heaven or not and need his followers to pray for him everyday. If Muhammad cannot guarantee life and heaven to his followers would it be a wise thing for Muslims to continue and follow his teachings? But Jesus guarantee Heaven and life to those who accept and believe in Him (John 25-26). In His own words! He is alive and have return to see His disciples and mother after the crucifixion and will return again on judgement day. Muhammad is dead and never return and never ever made any miracles during His lives or after. So my fellow Muslims do you want to take the risk? If you accept Jesus you have a place in Heaven. You continue to believe in your prophet Muhammad you don’t have any guarantee where you are going after you die just like your prophet and even his faithful disciple Mohamad, Abu Bakar also doubt his chances of going to heaven. Read and STUDY your Quran clearly and you will know that you have been deceived your whole life. None that is written in the Quran that guarantees eternal life and Heaven to its believer. Please read carefully what your prophet said about life after dead. There is only one simple and guaranteed way. Accept Jesus and believe in Him only! Don’t take the risk! Jesus will accept and open His arms wide for all Muslims. He is calling all Muslims to His Kingdom. Please take the opportunity and accept His free offer now. God bless everyone.
I think it might be a waste of energy saying who is right and who is wrong. We all can’t prove anything. We weren’t there back then. I will respect the Bible, Torah , and Qur’an.
Have you read the Bible and the Quran?
The Quran contradicts the Bible, which came earlier.
Both cant be right. If one is right, then the other is wrong.
If you have noticed, all these comments are from doubtful Christians, not Muslims. I stumbled on this website without meaning to. You all are genuinely confused and are unconsciously questioning your own religion. I did not come here to argue as the misguided will always be misguided. In the quran, Allah (S.W.T) says, “We (Allah) did not appoint you as a guardian over them (disbelievers), nor are you a trustee over them…You shall remind, for you are but a reminder. You are not a controller over them” (6:106-107 , 88:21-22) So I came here to say what I want to and then I will let it be.
Christians will always think Muslims are misguided and Muslims will always think Christians are misguided. So let us both wait. When we will die, we will soon find out which lord was the correct lord and which religion was truly misguided and lost. Until then, You have your religion and I have mine. I believe in one god and that is Allah (Subhana Wa Tala, Glory to him, the most exalted) and I believe that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W, Peace Be Upon Him) was the last messenger. Allah is pure and most exalted above whatever you associate with Him!
Say, “O people, the truth has come to you from Allah. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I am not a trustee (or a guardian) over you… If they (disbelievers) turn away, your sole mission is the delivery of the message. Allah is Seer of the people” (10:108 , 3:20)
Fatih, you say you did not come here to argue but you start of your comment by accusing everyone of being genuinely confused. 🙂 🙂
And praised a Man. Not a god. We should only peace God😰😩
Which book is the oldest book.. I mean… bible or Quran come first
i have read all the comments and realized a bunch of confused muslims. if the bible came first then quran is fake. because even the fake products in the market tend to come after the real ones. Am saying this because prophet Isa A.S whom muslims claim he is Jesus, says in the quran (suratil maryam verse 33)that ‘Peace is upon me on the day i am born and on the day that i will die and on the day that i will be risen to life’… According to that statement prophet Isa will one day die and be risen back to life, but yet the muslims say that Jesus who is Isa A.S didnt die on the cross and they crucified someone else instead, because God took Isa A.S to heaven so as to protect him from his enemies. NOW THE QUESTION IS; WILL PROPHET ISSA come back to earth to die so as to fulfill the words he spoke in the SURATIL MARYAM 33??…. and if he comes back to die what was the use of him being saved from death at first.
Islam is false because it is built on the fundamental lie that Muhammad was a real prophet, rather than a man simply pretending to be a prophet in order to gain power over people. Of course one can make the same claim about Joseph Smith or L Ron Hubbard or any number of other founders of man-made religions which have been created from time to time throughout history. A religion which venerates an evil man and raises him to the level of the perfect model for human conduct, cannot help but lead men to evil action – even jihad. R.Bynum
A good book on the subject is Answering Islam by Dr. Norman Geisler. Here’s s link to shine other resources is that’s allowed here.
The fact is, you are God and God is you. There can be no God without you and there can be no you without God. We are all one.
exactly, one who understands. on point.
Us Christians, let us love our fellow Muslim brothers. Muslim, let us love our fellow Christians brothers. For love surpasses all. Both religion are from the Abrahamic faith. One God who is the creator of the heavens and the earth. Be kind to each Other even in the state of introducing your religion to them. Love you all.
well said.
Yes definitely the last version… it has just copied and modified bible …this itself is a proof …none are terrorists,but how could a modified version of Bible claim to be the original version…however time says it all ,that’s the reason y we use B.C and A.D and not anything related to Mohammed saying Bm and ad..
If you compare the Bible to history it says a lot. The Bible is based on facts . What God said he would do he did. And what he’s going to do he will do. History books match the Bible U can clearly see right now things the Bible said would happen and it is in this moment. So any other religions that came after the Bible are doctrines from a man with his own agenda. People really read the Bible there are truths and facts about everything that you speak of. It’s all there.
In quran there as many facts that were not discovered that time but now are bieng discovered one such information about relativity
4- To Him ascend the angels and the spirit in
a day the measure of which is fifty thousand years.
(70- The Heights, 4)
5- He regulates all affairs from the heaven to the earth. Then they ascend to Him in a day, the measure of which is a thousand years as you count.
(32- The Prostration, 5)
this verse is from quran translated. This was written 1400 years ago don’t belive it google it
I read comment by comment the fight and the bickering between two faiths. At the end of the fight, does no one see??? The true fight here is how to devote and love The ONE TRUE CREATOR.. God
GOD which by another name mentioned in all kinds of texts is still the ONE GOD.
As far as the Bible it has been changed several times in the past and only certain people have access to the REAL WRITINGS. There are books that should be in the Bible and are not.
See the way religion has been used since the beginning has always been to control and to guide people into doing what is said and not questioning it. Whether you go to the first recordings of the first religions or the last recordings of religion.
If you want to go by age and say the Bible was first… how about those who believe that take a look at ancient Summarian texts which predates the Bible by thousands of years and even talks about Yaweh as coming after the Summarian’s and their belief system. Not to mentions the SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT THE SUMMARIANS PREDATED YAWEH.
And for those who do not know the name YAWEH you shouldn’t even be part of this discussion.
You complain about the fighting and bickering. Fine.
But then you say, “The Bible has been changed and only certain people have access to the REAL WRITINGS.”
So everyone should just accept what YOU say?
You can air your opinions but when others do the same,they are “fighting and bickering”? Dont be a hypocrite.
Others are free to argue with you and say your opinions are baseless. Which they are.
For example, you said only certain people have access to the real writings.
Give me just one name of these certain people and the evidence for that.
My dear friend As in the article it is said that the Quran was written by our prophet Mohammad peace be upon him but for your kind information he was illiterate and didn’t know how to write therefore it was given to him by god. If you think Quran is a lie there is information about relativity 100 of years before einstien and any information that a just got discovered. So without any proof that Islam is a false religion don’t accuse.
Sad that yu muslims will be in a place where all the non believers will be..your religion and every religion was formed by those angels y’all preach about in Islam,yes angels are real,but for a nation that will b against his brother’s hand until the end of time starting with the birth and promises of Ishmael for y’all to continue to over ride the longest running name on this planet,I pray for your nation!!ima hit all yu muslims and y’all beliefs with a question that will answer all confusion!!what time is it?what day and year it is?and wen is your birthday?wen yu get done answering,just kno all and each and one of y’all life frame is based and acquired around the name of Jesus..not Mohammed,buhda,Jehovah witnesses,Catholic or any other religion formed for a form of control starting in low income communities up to big dollar making communities
In GOD’S WORD He tells us that this type of thing will only bring strife and that is not of Him like someone mentioned earlier it’s all about Love and GOD IS LOVE also His word will be the same yesterday today and forever and NONE of us will be able to change it because He obviously gave and made it available to all and we have the choice to choose Him! We know right from wrong and the untamed tongue is what we need to be careful of along with our actions and just live by example and love on one another and do our part that GOD has us here for JESUS LOVES YOU and so do I
Allah does not look like a human, Allah does not look like any of His creations.
Allah created Jesus therefore Jesus is not God. The One who created Jesus is the Only True God.
God has many names, Jesus is not one of them.
And those who claim Jesus to be God, they are lying and they will be severely punished for their false claims.
Nowhere in the bible Jesus said he is God, he never claimed deity and he never said that people should worship him.
Holy Quran -Al-Maaida 5:72
Those who say that Jesus, the son of Mary, is God, have, in fact, turned to disbelief. Jesus said to the israelites, “Worship God, my Lord and yours. God will deprive anyone who considers anything equal to God of Paradise and his dwelling will be fire. The unjust people have no helpers.
Holy Quran -Al-Maaida 5:116
“When God asked Jesus, son of Mary: “Did you tell men to consider you and your mother as their gods besides God?” He replied: “Glory be to you! How could I say what I have no right to say? Had I ever said it, You would have certainly know about it. You know what is in my soul, but I do not know what is in Yours. It is You who has absolute knowledge of the unseen.”
1. Correct. Nothing resembles Allah because nothing has two right hands and one shin, etc.
Do you know what is Allah’s shape? https://www.faithbrowser.com/what-is-allahs-form/#respond
2. No, Allah did not create Jesus. Jesus of the Bible is uncreated. Muhammad created a character named Isa and claimed that Allah created him.
3. Jesus did claim to be God. https://www.faithbrowser.com/answered-where-jesus-said-he-is-god/
4. People did worship him. (Matthew 2:2, 11; 14:33; John 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6).
5. As for the Quran verses you quoted, they came from Muhammad’s mouth and as I said in (2), they refer to a character named Isa that Muhammad imagined.
Furthermore, Sura 5:116 shows the error of the author of the Quran in implying that Christians believe in Allah, Isa and Mariam as 3 gods.
This is a blunder and proof that the Quran could not have come from one who is All-Knowing.
Its simple,the Bible is the TRUTH,look at it this way….there are works that the Holy Spirit(mentioned and given by Jesus in the Bible) still performs to this day.A good example is how ordinary people can see visions of future things and they come to pass OR how terminal diseases are healed by prayer through the name of Jesus Christ.
I recently asked a muslim friend of mine to explain how all this is possible and they have not replied me to date
Are you going to leave your muslim friend behind for that? We muslims know what to choose, we muslims know that Jesus was a prophet, defintly not the first prophet, not the son of god. The bible has the words of many people, the quran has ONLY the words of god. There was prohpets before the bible came. And when Jesus died people were still worshipping fake gods made out of stone. But, when Mohammed came, all of that stopped, everyone stopped worshipping statues and followed islam. Islam was first, god gave choices to the people alive on earth when god created the universe, he wanted them to worship him and take the religion islam, but all of them said no, they didn’t want to worship him and all of them had different opinions and went. That is why christianity was used first before islam.
And not only that, Adam, the father of humanity, was a muslim.
A natural mind doesn’t understand the things of the spirit. To understand the things of the spirit, you have to be in the spirit. Witch leads back to the spiritual book(Bible) If you read the Bible carefully it tells you that Jesus and God is the same in one. When God first created things he spoke it in existence.witch tells you he use the word to create things. In the beginning was the word,and the word was with him,and the word was him. Then in another of the Bible it tells you, that the word became flesh, witch is Jesus that came to save mankind and take back the original convenant Satan stole from mankind at the time of Adam and eve. He also came to full fill the old testament by adding the new testament to it. Witch is the gospels. Then in the old testament God told Moses I am who I am. also in the new testament when the Pharisees ask Jesus are you the son God? Jesus said, me and my father are in one(I am) so that clearly tells you, they are the same in spirit, the father, the son and the holy spirit. But they are still individuals. Most people don’t understand it because they look at it, in a worldly minded view. With most people fail to realize is that God could be whatever he chooses to be. You can’t put a limitation on God by saying it is impossible for God and Jesus to be the same being, but two separate individuals at the same time! It’s one of the reasons why he said, for my thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways. For heaven is higher than earth. By the way Quran refers you to the Bible, but the Bible doesn’t refers you to the Quran. Quran tell you it’s ok to have many wives but the Bible tells us that type of behavior is adultery. Quran contradicts its self on many cases, and Muhammad never claimed to be a prophet. Muhammad never wrote the Quran. The Quran was written many years after he died. God is not the author of confusion, Satan is. That’s why most religion was created to separate us from the truth. Witch is divination, witch God warn us about. That’s why love is the key to end all this confusion,violence, worldly pains that Jesus was trying to interpret to us. But we all so caught up on who is wrong and who is right? Witch that represents the left and the right side of the cross. Instead of focusing on up and down part of the cross, witch represents our connection with God, witch is love. That’s why he sent his son, witch is part of his self that died on that same cross I’m talking about! Amen!
Sure i have read all your coments. But here i think that if anyone hates truth, they will try to contradict with it and try to fake it. You may say that the bible was changed but the only reason as to why malicious people do that is that they want to cover the truth with false info. I dont want to be among those who contradict with the quran too because it also has some good info in it mostly being that “there is only one God, u shall worship one god, not idols, not jesus, not mohamad.” so y dont you gather that and abide by it. The only reason as to y jesus said he is the way the truth and the life is because he was a prophet and was preaching the truth that man should only worship the creator of all mankind, and thats the only way for life. He never asked anyone to worship him except the father who sent him.also read revelation 22:8-9. Now its time to go back to real history and worship GOD Alone. Erase all the contradictions in u about jesus and mohamad. Coz i think jesus is outstanding. He is comin again!
Dear Fred Mugisha @ Abdulfazillah
Thank for your comments.
1. There are also cults that teach there is one God ~ Mormonism, JW, Bahais, etc. Does that mean these religions are true? Will you accept all their teachings too?
2. Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No prophets claimed they themselves were the Way, Truth and Life. They taught and pointed to the Way, Truth and Life, not to themselves!
3. You referred to Revelation 22:8-9. This is an interaction between John and an angel. I know muslims have been taught that Jesus is denying His deity here. That is false and a deception perpetrated by muslim apologists.
Read carefully please!
I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!”
(Revelation 22:8-9)
You compare the books. Compare them and see what all the prophets had in common. They were all men, who lived in the faith that their sins would be forgiven from God by sacrifice. Jesus walked the earth as any other prophet and ha miracle powers at his touch and command. The Spirit of God was upon him as the prophets. But he did something completely different from any other man and that was walk as man should have according to the commandments of the Lord that he may see life and prosper abundantly. Now Jesus, not being of this world but of the Word which was made flesh dwelled with us. He taught us differently for the bible said no man had ever hear another speak like this manner. Full of knowledge from the flesh and spirit and was able to distinguish the very thoughts of other men because He knew their hearts. He knows you and your whole life. He said I am not come into the world to condemn but that through me the world might be saved. Then he being a blameless man washed the feet of his betrayer and glorified God unto his execution because he denied religion completely and made a new way to live through the Spirit. Allowing us the ability to see beyond the grave because he inherited the power to rise beyond death. We are made in God’s image. His eternal happiness rests in the faith and love of Jesus Christ. If you are made in His image, and He is a forgiving God, don’t you think He would have done everything in his power to save you from the pit even if it meant dying himself for you? Its not about religion, it never was, but the inheritance of the glory of the children of God.
Quran (3:61) Tell whoever disputes with you on this matter after true knowledge has come to you: ‘Come! Let us summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, and then let us pray together and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.
This verse 3:61 shows the wickedness and hatred of Islam. It teaches Muslims to be vile.
Jesus taught us to love even our enemies and pray for them!
Your Allah teaches you to invoke curses on people.
This show everyone the true demonic source of your religion.
Allah is not a god of love. It is a god of hatred, violence and terrorism.
Come to Jesus if you want to be set free from your hatred. Then you will learn how you can love all people.
We have been Commanded not to argue or be a stumbling block to anyone. As Spiritual beings, God warns us that our flesh is always at war with our Spirit. God sent is WORD, in a flesh body, born of a virgin, Crusified, died! On the third day He rose again in his Spiritual body, as The Sacrifice for all; who Will choose to believe! Because He Loves us. Why, Adam and Eve were Spiritual beings made in the image of God,and deceved. They were told they wouldn’t die, but not told it was their Spiritual death. Sadly, they knew nothing about the flesh, why would they? Since we have a free Will, they have chosen to disobey God, they are flesh and the war begins. We now need to be saved from the flesh and return to the Spirit that God created us to be. That could only be done by God sending His WORD, in uncorruptable FLESH as His Son; for Our Salvation! If there is any doubt that God Loves us ALL and is His Will that NONE should parish but have Everlasting Life; PLEASE feel free to ask the Holy Spirit and He will guide You into ALL TRUTH. Shalom
If you really truly dig into who muhammed is instead of people relying only their false teachers or supposive wise man, you will see that muhammed never Prophesized anything in his life or Prophesized by others about him. He never performed 1 miracle. But the most telling of all is the life that he led. Muhammed was a murderer, pedophile, polygamist, unholy, robber, thief, and liar. HE lived a life and character just like the devil. The quran even mentions JESUS as the WORD of GOD, 100% Sinless and Holy, Performed many Miracle’s, Will Return to Judge the world, HIS Mother Mary as a virgin, the only woman as the others were little girl’s/children, and she is regarded as the most honored and highest woman ever lived, and JESUS is mentioned Jesus is the most mentioned name: 25 times by the name Isa, third-person 48 times, first-person 35 times, and the rest as titles and attributes. muhammed was only mentioned 4 times! Also the angel muhammed said visited him in the cave never said Do not fear which all TRUE ANGEL’S all say as they are so Powerful and Bright. 1 Angel can destroy the earth by HIMSELF. The angel that visited muhammed was the devil masquerading as an angel of light mentioned in our 1 and only true Holy Book.The original quran was also burned and the current version have been heavily changed. The Bible is mentioned in the quran 97 times as “the books” and is considered the FINAL AUTHORITY if there is questions and confusion in the quran. All this PROVES all muslims are very heavily deceived by their families, own culture, and by false teacher’s. Even their highest teacher muhammed is unholy and evil . Those muslims who choose to stay in ignorance will go and forever be in hell and torment because they failed to see the real Truth in JESUS CHRIST. The GOD in the Bible LOVES all people FIRST including sinners and NO work can be done to earn HIS LOVE. The god of quran is the complete opposite in every way.
If angels have guided Mohammed (pbuh) to write the Quran, and it corresponds with earlier writings, then angels must have guided the people that wrote first. It can now be established that there was modification or copy from the later writer
The Quran does not correspond with the earlier writings.
Who told you Gabriel was guiding him…he must have evidence to support his claim…were you there too??
True. Muhammad had no witnesses, no evidence, no miracles to prove a single thing he claimed.
Love is God’s message not killing,not cutting of people’s hands not hating of enemies but love whoever teaches us to love the pleasures of the earth and not to love holiness is a deceiver…take a moment and search your heart.
“if your heart is pure you will see him”-Matt 5:8
Dear All,
I have a Solution to this Utmost conflict between You guys
I have looked it Up, ON A COLLEGE WEBSITE,(about as reliable as you can get) and it says that Christianity is THE MOST HISTORICALLY ACCURATE RELIGION!!!!! If you don’t Believe me, Look Below!
This Proves that the Bible is 99.5% accurate, while the Quran is only 95%, as said in
This means: The Quran is the devil’s book, as said as told in John 8:42-44.
Both the Bible and the Quran claim to be 100% perfect. But we can only know for sure through Historical research, as I have given to you.
For those who say that We are God and God is us, what supporting evidence do you have of that? Are we Immortal? …No.
So, back to you Muslims, you also have no supporting Evidence for your claim.
Therefore the Only Unforgivable sin is told in Matthew 12:22-32, as it refers to NOT believing in Jesus.
Finally, Blessed be the Christians,
And Woe to the Muslims.
So I’m not sure which came first and not sure which religion is the right one since both books were written by man. Now for they may have similarities. Now Yahweh we know or I know as God the word Islam ☪️ represents peace. The Bible the Holy bible is to be what it’s says the Holy bible it has laws and institutions in it. What I believe it boils down to is knowing truth about yeshua and also coming to peace with God. Christian is not in the Bible. Prophets are. There are many names. There are many teachings. The bible say don’t add nor take away so look at all the different versions that have been written. Adding and taking away word/scriptures. So really only God knows and by his story we know people prayed pray and worship how they do based on their beliefs and everyone is blessed accordingly to their worship and to whom they worship. Only God knows everything this world 🌎 has told us was a lie.
History proves that the Bible came before the Quran.
Islam means submission. Not peace.
There are no different versions of the Bible. There are different translations.
As I read through the above one thing comes to mind that I believe to be true, it is said that one/I should not sit in judgment of another….I take that too mean that it is solely for our creator to do…
The Quran is the book of the devil! Run from ithe Quran the book of the devil as fast as you can! Your being deceived by the Quran the book of the devil! Put down the Quran the book of the devil please, call upon the name of Jesus, repent and believe that Jesus died for you and watch the change that will come upon you instantly, this will show you that Jesus is God because He will do as He said and give you a new spirit from heaven and you will know the truth!!
Well well well after all the debating back and forth I just want you to know Allah is the Most Gracious Most Merciful. Al Qur’an is the last and final Revelations, warnings, signs messages from the One and Only God above the heavens and the earth. He has No Partners that share his Lordship, Worship Names and Attributes and Muhammad (SAAW) His his final slave and messenger! Ever heard of save the best for last? my advice to you is to read and study HARDER THAN YOU EVER HAVE OUTSIDE OF Western Philosophy and rhetoric to no benefit.Allah says “even the evil he created He knows what we know Not!read up on usool Ul fiqh Ibn qayyim, Ibn taymiyyah, read to understand tawheed and it’s three aspects then you will get a tad bit of traction. ISLAM IS THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION PROPHET MUHAMMAD IS THE FINAL MESSENGER AND Al Qur’an is the FINAL REVELATIONS OF ALLAH. ALLAHU AKBAR!
1. Stating that “Islam is the fastest growing religion” is not proof that it is true! This is known as the bandwagon fallacy.
2. Claiming that Muhammad is the final messenger and quran is the final revelations are just empty CLAIMS. Not a single evidence for your claims.
All you have is a circular reasoning fallacy. Muhammad is true because quran says so. Quran is true because Muhammad says so.
See the problem?
Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing us!