Can you communicate with God? Impossible.
How can a finite being bound by time and space, interact with an infinite being who is beyond time and space?
You can’t even compare it to an ant thinking it can communicate with you and how much greater is the distance between the Creator and his creatures!
If you believe you can communicate with God then it implies, either ;
1. You elevate yourself to His level
2. You are bringing God down to your level!
In Islam, there is only one word for this. SHIRK.
You are associating yourself as partner to your DEITY to be able to interact with him.
In Christianity, it’s the Incarnation. It is God Himself condescending to come to our level!
The invisible manifesting as visible. So that we can know Him. No wonder Islamic deity is unknowable.
But our God reveals Himself to us in a way that we can comprehend!
That’s why He is called Emmanuel, GOD WITH US, Jesus.
Let’s think about how God talked to Moses and Moses talked to God. Did Moses elevate himself to God’s presence so as to converse with Him? No, it was God Himself who manifested in the fire of the burning bush, in a way that Moses could see and hear God!
God is not the fire or a burning bush. But He made Himself known to Moses in a way that Moses would be able to grasp and comprehend and see and hear with his limited human senses. The invisible and infinite came to be finite and visible during that conversation with Moses.
Although God is transcendent, and far beyond the reach of a human knowledge or experience, He makes Himself immanent and therefore accessible and personal and knowable to man.
“.. Christ Jesus Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross. “
Philippians 2:5-8