Where Do Islamic Rituals Come From?

God never gave any command to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, or any of the prophets to PRAY 5 TIMES A DAY.

God never gave any command to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, or any of the prophets to PEFORM WUDHU.

God never gave any command to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, or any of the prophets to RECITE SHAADAH.

God never gave any command to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, or any of the prophets to FAST FOR 30 DAYS FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET.

God never gave any command to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, or any of the prophets to WEAR A WHITE CLOTH AND CIRCUMAMBULATE A BLACK STONE.

I could go on and on but it is obvious that Jesus, whom Muslims say is one of the greatest prophets and whom they claim to love and obey, never said to do any of these things either.

The question is where did these Islamic rituals originate from and when did they come into Islam?

The answer: from the Sabians.


The Sabians were a pagan cult group from the 2nd century AD that worshipped the moon god. Muhammad was greatly influenced by the Sabians that he even names them in the quran as being acceptable by Allah! (2:62)

According to Dr. Rafat Amari, in “Occultism in the Family of Muhammad”, Waraqa was an important leader for the Sabians.

Yes, THAT Waraqa! Khatijah’s cousin, who convinced Muhammad that he was a prophet! Now we understand how Muhammad was influenced in the early days!

Ibn al-Nadim wrote in his book, “al-Fahrisit”, about various religious sects in the Middle East. He says in the month in which the [Sabians] fasted for thirty days, they honored the god Sin, which is the moon.

They observed the festivals of Fitr (breaking the fast at the end of the month) and Hilal (new moon), in such a way that the festival of Fitr occurred when the sun entered Aries. And they used to honor the House of Mecca (Kaabah).

According to Dr. Rafat Amari, the Sabians look toward Yemen and pray 5 times a day.

Muhammad simply picked up these pagan rituals and adapted them to his new religion while claiming they were instructions from Allah.

Even the shahadah was plagiarized from the Sabians.

Islamic scholar Abd al-Rahman Ibn Zayd wrote in the 8th century AD:  The polytheists used to say of the prophet and his companions, “These are the Sabians,” comparing them to them, because the Sabians who live in Jaziartal-Mawsil (i.e., Iraq) would say “La ilaha ila Allah.”

Other sources for Islam:
The wudu, miswak and ghusl ritual cleansing were copied from Zoroastrianism.

Read more:

Original Sources Of the Quran


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