Yet, this is not what Islam teaches.
Allah will place the sins of the Muslims on the Christians and Jews.
Abu Burda reported on the authority of his father that Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: No Muslim would die but Allah would admit IN HIS STEAD a Jew or a Christian in Hell-Fire. ‘Umar b. Abd al-‘Aziz took an oath: By One besides Whom there is no god but He, thrice that his father had narrated that to him from Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him). (Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6666)
[Also, since Allah leads astray who he wills, there is nothing that dawah (islamic preaching) can do to change what Allah has already done. There is also nowhere in the Kuran directing Muslims to dawah in fact, it says not to dispute with Christians but to say that they believe in what (the revelation) was sent down to them.
The Kuran tells them repeatedly to believe in the books, angels, prophets and the last day. I have yet to have a Muslim that can follow these commands without saying, either the books are lost or corrupted. Yet its a command till the day of resurrection.
Are there the original Arabic of these passages? Link(s) appreciated.
Surely, the judayya and nasariyya will have a share of Paradise (Jannah), it comes to how you will make that Paradise. You don’t have to believe the fear porn of those two passages. It seems you have poor understanding of classical Arabic, that’s all.
The references to the authentic hadiths have been given. You can easily look up the Arabic if you like.
By the way, I didn’t translate these hadiths into English.
These are from Sunnah dot com. Feel free to throw your own scholars under the bus.
It’s funny that you’re accusing me of poor understanding of classical Arabic.
Statistics show that even among Muslims, only about 16% read, speak, write and understand modern Arabic. ARE YOU IN THE 16%?
(and that’s not even Classical Arabic).
Out of 1.8 billion Muslims, only about 288 million are Arab speakers.
In other words, more than 1.5 billion Muslims do not know Arabic!
I’m sure you are aware that the Arabic of the Quran is not even the Arabic spoken today.
The Quran uses Classical Arabic, which no one even uses in daily conversations today.
Yes, this is an authentic hadith, but if you had done a bit more digging into the matter instead of running with whatever you heard and not trying to understand the reason behind it, you would also have found this hadith:
Ibn Maajah (4341) narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no one among you who does not have two abodes: an abode in Paradise and an abode in Hell. If he dies and enters Hell, the people of Paradise inherit his abode. This is what Allaah says: ‘These are indeed the inheritors’ [al-Mu’minoon 23:10].
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.
This means that every person, Muslim or non-Muslim has a place in paradise and a place in hell. When a Muslim is admitted to heaven, the spot they had in hell is filled with a non-muslim who didn’t get their spot in heaven. When it says that the sins of Muslims are placed on Jews and Christians it is about the sins that the non-Muslims innovated and Muslims followed, and anyone who creates an innovation will get sin for what they did PLUS the sins of whoever did the same since ultimately it’s your fault that they sinned.
Islam is a perfected religion from the moment it came down and will always be until the end of time. Also, Islam DOES tell Muslims to give dawah, as you can see in this verse:
“Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good advice” (An-Nahl 16:125).
What Islam does not do is force people to believe. You can do whatever you like, but at the end of the day, there will be judgment for your actions.
Yes, Allah leads astray whomever he wills, but it is up to that person to keep trying to get back on the path. Everything has already been written down and is final, from your first moments to your last, but this doesn’t mean that you are being controlled, rather you have free will and choice, but whatever you chose will have already been written down.
Also, there are 4 holy books in Islam: The Quran, Torah, Gospel, and Psalms. Muslims believe that they were all revealed by Allah to the prophets, yes, but the only holy book that has remained unchanged is the Quran. So the belief that they were revealed by Allah is a belief of the validity that they have as holy books and is a command till the end of time.
The hadith you posted does not address the issue.
In fact, your explanation does not make sense.
If everyone has a spot in heaven and hell, then what does it have to do with anyone else? He’s not taking or losing his spot since everyone has his own spot.
You claim there are 4 holy books in Islam and that Quran is the only one that remained unchanged.
You prove that Islam is the only religion that insults it’s god by claiming that this god failed to keep 3 out of his 4 books.
As for the fallacy that Quran is unchanged, let me just quote one of your most popular scholars, Shabbir Ally:
“Today, most Muslims read the Quran in a text that is referred to as the Egyptian Edition of 1924. That’s how scholars refer to it. Most Muslims may not have realized that this is the designation for that manuscript, for that text. To Muslims, in general, this is just simply “The Quran.” But this is not the only text of the Quran that is read throughout the world. In North Africa, there is a slightly different text that is based on a slightly different reading, mostly corresponding to what we read in the rest of the world, but with some slight variations that do not affect anything that Muslims believe, and do not have any major impact on any Muslim practices. And then, too, in some parts of Africa, there is another reading of the Quran and a matching manuscript that is prevalent. And here, too, we find some slight variations…”
[Dr Shabbir Ally, Readings and Manuscripts of The Quran, Let The Quran Speak]
You can learn more here: https://www.faithbrowser.com/the-quran-questioned/